Mar 5, 2008

Pimpin Pastors (1)

What does a pimp do?
He uses a woman - a human being - and treats her as merchandise. He uses the woman, calls her a "ho", puts her out there without any protection while failing to prepare her for the harsh realities of the street. At the end of the night he collects his money and beats her up if she doesn't have it. He wears fur coats, drives big cars and wears bling on his wrist and fingers while his "hos" work the street.

The sad thing is, these victimized young women think their pimps care about them, but really the pimp is only using her for his own needs.

We have a lot of pastors out here that are pimping their own flocks. They have taken the people they have been given to protect and have given them a message that does not protect them from the evil one. A message of peace and prosperity that does not protect them from this world's demonic influences, flesh and their own sin.

Pimpin Pastors are getting paid. They are selling a gospel of money instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, when will those in these churches wake up and realize that they are being pimped. In this video interview, even the world believes these things are extravagant. It is sad when the world knows that this work is not Christ-like.

The good shepherd "gives his life for his sheep" (John 10:11).

Christ is all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus really "puts them on blast" during His day and today in his teaching in Matthew 23. In verse 27 He calls them whitewashed tombs, freshly painted and pretty on the outside but inside carrying the stench of dead rotten bones. In verse 33, He rhetorically asks "ye serpents, ye generation of vipers (poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

In His closing statement, Jesus quotes Psalm 119:26: "Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD." From this we can infer that cursed is he that comes misrepresenting the LORD.