Mar 24, 2008

Christian Pragmatism

Worldly Pragmatism and the Wisdom of Men often cloak themselves as THE Wisdom of God.

The world says, "the ends justify the means", whereas in Christ, the WAY is always as important as the ends. Church growth may be the true American Idol as churches seek to grow by any means necessary. I passionately believe that the body of Christ should be missions minded, evangelistic and concerned for the lost, but many churches have gone astray and sought the world's means of attraction, multiplication and increase rather than Christ's approach to church growth. Through the use of music, entertainment, needs-based ministry, and segmentation methods, we have sought to expand the church much like a business seeks to increase market share.

Have we forgotten that God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7-8)? Have we forgotten that we must decrease and He must increase (John 3:30). True church growth is up to the Lord Jesus Christ. All He needs is faithful laborers (Matthew 9:37-38), not a different message or approach that emphasized communication style and emphasizing felt needs over the Word of God and the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The person of Jesus Christ, His Christ-hood, Deity, Death, and Bodily Resurrection and grace through the Holy Spirit is sufficient to bring many souls to Himself.

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the only message the Holy Spirit is interested in spreading.

Check out this video. Christian Pragmatism

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