Mar 14, 2008

Generic God

Have you ever noticed how sometimes people use the term "God" but other times they will specifically refer to "Jesus". I fully believe that our God is Triune in Nature. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are forever to be praised. But I think that it is also important for believers to clearly delineate their belief in Jesus as the Son of God.

What defines our belief is that we believe that Jesus is Yahweh -- Jesus is Lord -- Jesus is God. But I find that people often retreat to a generic term "God". Am I being cynical here, or do some find it shameful to identify directly with Jesus the Christ. Most religions believe in some sort of "God-figure". Muslims, Jews, Hindus may all speak of God or Gods.

But we do not believe in a Generic "god". We trust in a personal, unique God found as, in and through Jesus the Christ. When one speaks specifically of Jesus as the Lord, a clear picture is painted regarding the personality, nature, statements, attributes and essence of God. Imagery about a man hanging on a cross comes to mind. Associations are made between the term "God" (vague, undefined, broadly described) and a specific, person who is the exact representation of the Father, namely Jesus Christ.

We worship a name brand savior, so let us speak specifically, not generically about our God. We believe in YHWH, triune, revealed in the person of the only unique Son, Jesus the Christ.

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