Mar 24, 2008

Power to Lay It Down

In John 10:18, Jesus speaks...

No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.

Jesus is the only man born apart from Sin. Adam was created, the first man, Holy - Free from Sin. Jesus was Born apart from Sin by the Holy Spirit (not born of Adam, but His Father was God). As a Man who was free from Sin, He then led a sinless life. Jesus had the power to "Lay His Life down". None of us could simply decide to "Lay down" our life by our own will. Some may take their own lives by force, but Jesus had power to "lay it down."

Consider this unique power in relation to His passion. Jesus willingly accepted the suffering that came by Will of the Father on the Cross. He willingly stayed on the cross through pain, reproach, extreme suffering, the emotion and soul suffering of being "made sin" (2 Corinthians 5:21). And yet, he willingly stayed on the cross. Because He was perfect and apart from Sin, He could not die. Death comes through Sin and Jesus was sinless. He became sin, but had no sin of His own responsibility. Just as a blameless Lamb is slain to atone for sins, Jesus was the sinless sacrifice provided for the sins of all mankind (1 Peter 3:18) -- but He Himself was (and is) free from Sin.

He had to die on His own accord. He willingly stayed on the cross through the suffering, although He possessed "power to lay it down". Jesus did not bleed to death, He did not suffocate, Jesus did not die from the wounds He received for death was not in Him. He became sin and laid his life down for the Sheep (John 10:15). Only after it was finished did he commit his spirit to His Father's Hands (John 19:30).

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