Mar 7, 2008

The Self-existent one

Nothing in our world is self-existent. Seasons change, people age, animals grow and then die. We try to define the age of rocks, soil, and trees - because we know nothing but a reality that is rooted in finite time. We know no other thing in this creation that is not impacted by the constant reality of time. In fact, I cannot even imagine a thing that is not impacted by time -- this is how pervasive it is to our concept of reality.


Our Lord is not defined by time. If history is the study of things that happened in the past, can we even speak of the history of God? Does a being that has no beginning even have a history? Does the one who has no end have a future? He simply IS. He is the self-existent one. The Great I AM. He is the ancient of days "without genealogy having neither beginning of days or end of life, but made like the Son of God" (Hebrews 7:3). In this sense, we can say Jesus our Lord has no history, no true family genealogy with respect to his "Sonness".

Consider with awe, this Son of God with no end, no beginning, no origination, no starting point, no middle-point...HE simply IS.

Christ is all.

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