Mar 26, 2008

Abide Today

Make this a Lord Jesus Christ abiding day (John 5:4-9). May the Word of Christ dwell richly in you today (Col 3:16).

Rest in Him. Enjoy Him. Meditate on His word. If you have to work today, do it as unto the Lord. Meditate on the word today. Listen to music that edifies your soul in Him. Sing songs in your heart today that glorify Him.

Worship Him in the beauty of Holiness. Desire that His name alone would be praised. Fellowship with other believers today. Pray for the saints in need. Pray for missionaries who need support, guidance, and spiritual help. Pray for the persecuted church abroad. Give of yourself, your time, your money to exalt the person of Jesus Christ and edify the body. Call some you know is depressed to exhort them.

Share the gospel with someone who does not know him. Passionately share the gospel with an interest in the unbelieving person's soul and the Lord Jesus Christ's Kingdom.

Make this a Lord Jesus Christ abiding day.

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