Mar 1, 2008

The Priest and The Lamb

Sometimes when I think about it, I can't believe the extent of our Lord's sacrifice.
Jesus, the Son of God is our Great High Priest. He has offered the true sacrifice - Himself - in the heavenly sanctuary. A satisfying sacrifice prepared and offered for God Himself. All that Christ did in His Passion to prepare and offer Himself as a ransom for many is THE Good and Perfect work.

He is not only the Great High Priest, but He is also the Lamb. So then, how can He be both the Priest who gives and the Lamb who is given? How can the Son of God be both the Offering and the Offerer. I enjoy the amazement and wonder that comes from pondering such things!

He is Truly the Child that Was Born (a man) and the Son that is Given (God the Son).
Our savior is typified in Isaac, the one who allows His Father to sacrifice Him, for it is written pleased the Lord to bruise Him.

May we now live in submission, pursuing the likeness and the life of this Great Savior, Jesus our Great High Priest and the Lamb of God!

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