Mar 24, 2008

Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama and Other False Teachers

The current controversy surrounding Barack Obama and his Pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, is quite fascinating. Even a fallen, Man-centered, unspiritual world has its consciences pricked by some of the rhetoric, hatred and hypocrisy that comes from the pulpit at "Trinity Church of Christ".

The is a misnomer to refer to this local social group as "Tritarian", "A Church" or "of Christ", for it is neither Worshiping the Triune God, functioning as a Body submitted to the Head (Christ) or teaching things that are according to or "of" Christ.

Jeremiah Wright is just another run-of-the-mill false teacher. Man is emphasized over Christ, the Sctiptures are used only as sermon content not as the errorless word of God and God is made into the image of man. As believers let us be ready to quickly re-center a dying, politic crazed world on the true King everlasting, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Check out this video excerpt that outlines the church's doctrinal statement.

TCC Doctrinal Statement on Fox.


Anonymous said...

Here is an example of two brilliant, well educated, articulate men who exude leadership in their respective areas of society. Yet I find myself cringing and the great disparity between what they say, be it philosophical, socioligical or, God help them, theological. Their doctrine is greatly divided from the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul tols the big city church in Colosse: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. For in Him dwelleth all th efullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power."

One of my co-workers referred to Barack Obama as the anti-christ prophesied to appear in the last days. Initially I dismissed it, but hmmm. . . the brother is charming, attractive, intelligent, charismatic, persuasive, . . . hmmm.

People of God, we better get our house in order and quit worrying about the presidential election and start acting like the elect; stop focusing so much on Clinton, Obama and McClain and focus on the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; set our priorities according to Matthew 6:33, and if it ain't about Christ, fuggeddaboutit!!

Joshua Jeneration said...

i don't think barack is THE anti Christ, but he definitely exemplifies the spirit of Anti-Christ. He already has international notoriety. i am just surprised that so many believers accept him because he is "nice", or "going to be the first black president"...

CHRIST is all.