Mar 6, 2008

Numbered among the Transgressors (2)

Note the irony and beauty of Isaiah 53:12b, "and he was numbered with the Transgressors".

Christ was punished alongside those whom had sinned against HIM. Although Christ was living in the days of His flesh, He never ceased to be fully God. The Son being bruised for the sins of those who sinned against Him while those who sinned against Him were in the midst of Him!

Whether the criminals on the crosses on either side of Him, Simon of Cyrene who helped carry Christ's Cross, the Jews who hurled insults at Him, the Romans who nailed Him to the tree, Pilate who sentenced Him, the disciples who forsook Him, or the women who mourned for Him; Christ was dying for the sins of those who were in the midst of HIM.

Who knew that day that they were witnessing was an act being done in obedience to the Father but on their behalf?

We truly serve an awesome God. Our Christ was numbered among Transgressors (on the Cross), and also was found in flesh among Transgressors (all men). He did this that we might have Life in HIM.

Christ is all!

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