Mar 20, 2008

The Law of your mouth: Reflections on Psalm 119:72

Consider Psalm 119:72: The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Let us juxtapose these two desires. On the one hand we have "thousands of coins of gold and silver." Our salaries, our riches, our savings, our investments... We naturally desire riches. No one has to teach a young man or woman to desire such things. At a young age, we realize that in order to buy things, we need riches. Our sinful nature thinks..."Happiness = stuff = riches, therefore riches = happiness...let me get more riches". I remember a few months ago a young child of a friend of ours was at the house. She say a bunch of change on a table, grabbed it and started to put it into her pocket. Only about 2 1/2 years of age she said, "my money". Never mind the fact that you don't have to teach a young child to steal (we get all of these proclivities from the fall, but that is for another sermon), but the fact that at such a young age she desired money -- this is a symptom of our wickedness.

So from a young age we desire things. But as believers, we have come to know a "thing" that is better than "all things", namely the maker of all things, God Himself. The Law of Your Mouth. Whether in the Law, the prophets, the writings, the gospels, the acts, the epistles or the revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Word (John 1:1). To desire "the Law" is to desire Him. He is forever the Law of God, spoken, proclaimed and unique. We have learned in Him that He is more desirable than Thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Let us live in such a way that demonstrates His superiority to these things.
Do not expect such desired to die away easily. We must put them to death; crucifying the old man, living in the New man that is Jesus Christ. Let us find creative ways to demonstrate to HIM that He is more important than our things. Let us find ways to distance ourselves from our things as our desire for HIM alone is magnified in our hearts.

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