Mar 3, 2008

Our God lives forevermore, this "God" has retired

I found this short article about a Buddhist, Hindi "goddess". It reports the story about the recent "retirement" of a Buddhist child "Goddess". In this tradition they go through a process to identify one whom they believe is the reincarnation of an ancient goddess and view her as a "living goddess". I think the most demonic line is in the end when a relative says "we are trying to find a replacement for Sajani". Just another God defined by men, chosen by men and worshipped by men. And after tall of that, she can simply decide to "retire" and no longer be a "goddess".

Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who forever lives to make intercession for us. He is the Ancient of Days without beginning or ending. The Author and Finisher of our Faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since honor should be given where it is due, it should be removed from places where it is not warranted. When you write about deities other than the One True God, small letters are both journalistically and theologically proper.