Mar 25, 2008

Hard as Nails - Justin Fatica's Radical Ministry

I am so encouraged by this ministry. It is led by a "Catholic" brother in Christ. Hard as Nails is a ministry aimed at exalting the Lord Jesus Christ through radical, authentic Christ focus. Check out the video and be edified. You may not agree with all of his tactics, but it is so rare that you see a young ministry sold out in this way...I find it encouraging.

Hard as Nails Ministry - Justin Fatica

Christ is all!


michelle said...

His ministry was different and interesting. I guess I was a little shaken with the whole "chair" incident. Grant it he was doing it to himself but why does he feel as though he has to express himself in this way. I did agree with some things I guess just not all of it.

Joshua Jeneration said...

Dude is radical. Let us pray that all of His zeal is according to knowledge.