Feb 9, 2008

Oprah Winfrey Loves Barack Obama

Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.

Oprah goes on the road to tell people how great he is. Oprah has him on her show and at her crib for dinner. Oprah tells others to believe in Barack. Oprah believes he is the only one who can truly spark a change in our country. Oprah gives Barak money. Oprah tells you to follow Barack because Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.

Oprah will talk about Barack with her friends. Oprah will defend Barack when he is attacked. Oprah called Barack "the ONE". She is unashamed of Barack. She loves to talk about Barack no matter where she is. She shares her Barack love with her friends, with colleagues, on the job and in the home. She tells people about Barack while on the phone, in her magazine or on her website. At a campaign event, she can even be found clapping and singing a song about him...and Why? Because, Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.

Oprah is fascinated with Barack. Sometimes she just enjoys being in his presence. It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, Oprah is willing to spend time talking about and socializing with Barack Obama - no boundaries here. If Barack writes an article, Oprah will read it. If Barack has an opinion, Oprah understands it and supports it with little disagreement. Oprah loves Barack with all her heart, all her mind and all her strength. If Barack asks Oprah to come to a campaign event -- she's there. If Barack asks Oprah for money, she says "how much"- she trusts that Barack doesn't just want her for her money. Barack's praises are continually in Oprah's mouth because Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.

Do you love Jesus - at least as much as Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama?


Jesus is God in Flesh said...


Ironically, "Barack" means to "Lift up" or "Exalt", to give "High Praise". Of course these definitions are to ONLY be attributed to OUR GREAT GOD and SAVIOR, the LORD Jesus Christ.

We can definitely learn a lesson from Oprah's baracking of Obama. With pure hearts, and repentive hearts, Let us (Christ followers) BARACK THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

DG said...

Good, thought provoking stuff on the O2 of Oprah - Obama. But that O2 is not the air I breathe. Someone asked be about Obama the other day and my spellcheck offered Osama as alternative spelling correction...doesn't matter, man is man, and the charming voice of politicians is all the voice of strangers to me. I want to lock down on the voice of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ who explained that the shepherd, "goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. And a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers." There is a lot of strange voice out there, all I need is the Lord Jesus who said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me"