Feb 15, 2008

the housing market is not my home

The housing market sucks. The Lord blessed us with a house last year. I am glad to be a home owner...or at least a "home payer backer" as I won't own the home (Lord willing) for nearly 30 years. But should I really care about a Home? No.

This world is not my home. Abraham dwelt in a tent, even though the Lord promised him a great inheritance. Jesus slept on hill tops and spent the night with friends. He didn't even bother to rent an apartment and was born in a barn. The apostle Paul did most of His best work as a teacher from a jail cell. He didn't need a cozy library, or study, but the Lord used Him just fine from a cell, house arrest or on the run. John wrote us extremely beautiful letters in transition or in exile -- didn't matter.

So I don't really need a house. The housing market sucks, but it is only temporary. This world is not our home and ministry never required a zip code.


Jesus is God in Flesh said...

We were just discussing this in Sunday School. I am so thankful that the HOLY SPIRIT reminds us to set our affection on things ABOVE and not on things of the earth. This life is truly a vapor and our focus should be about the business of "storing up treasures in heaven." Not to say that having things down here is wrong, but I think when we don't have those "things" (e.g. houses, cars, etc) our dependency is more on the LORD. This is true for those who are walking with the LORD, or at least seeking to follow the LORD with their whole hearts.

DG said...

The current housing decline is nothing compared to the eventual collapse of all housing markets on earth. "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up."