Feb 12, 2008

Christ is our Righteousness

Do we really consider Jesus to BE our Righteousness, or He merely a entity who has the ability to enable us to be righteous?

I am learning that Christ IS my righteousness. In other words, the only shot I have at being practically righteous is by learning and relying on His life. The only reason God would even consider hearing my prayer, interacting with me, or showing me concern is because of HIS righteousness.

This is humbling, because I am very prideful, but Glory be to the God who looks beyond my shortcomings and still gives me Grace in His beautiful Son the Lord Jesus - my righteousness.

There is utterly nothing about me that can be called Good, but in His most blessed Son, I can interact, worship, love, and live for God. Lord make me into the image of your Son for He is my only way to Righteousness.

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