Feb 9, 2008

PoP Jesus

Our Lord has been contemporized. We have taken Him out of His true position as Ancient of Days and hooked him with an ipod, a t-shirt and a mac. What do I mean? Simply that it is not enough for us to love Him as the true and only God of the universe. It is not enough nowadays to tell others about how he loved us while we were His enemies. It is not enough to discuss the fact that He shed His blood that we might have life in HIM. Our contemporary churches have tried the gospel of the true Christ, deity, become man, shedding blood and risen from the dead, for a TV-ready PoP Jesus.

I was watching a 60 minutes episode that included Joel Osteen. He was question as to why He didn't really talk to people about God and Jesus Christ to which he replied, "That's just my message...there's a lot of people better qualified to say, here's a book to explain the scriptures to you...that's just not my gifting."

I would agree with Osteen on that count. Unfortunately, that is the purpose of the role of Pastor, to explain the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the scriptures. Joel Osteen may be saved, but his false teachings are misleading many. Many will go to Hell and far more will miss reward because of Osteen's teachings. Let us hope Joel Osteen repents of this false gospel


Ken said...

troy, i would agree with your thoughts here. osteen has strayed from the clear teachings of scripture, and i am deeply concerned.

check out this article...


DG said...

You CAN judge this book by its cover: "become a better you" since its not about you, and a reformed YOU is still not enough - you must be transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Also, would you send this book to a persecuted brother or sister in Christ halfway around the world?...of course not...this stuff is plastic surgery spirituality for within the perimeters of the United States. Good Bible teaching can go global, but not this stuff!