Feb 11, 2008

Gospel at the Grammys & The PoP Music Template

There is something about Gospel music on the Grammys that I always rubs me the wrong way Perhaps it is that the entire Grammy evening is designed to honor worldy, anti-Christ thinkers and artists; then at some point in the evening, a few Gospel artists are dropped into the made for TV performance template. The formula goes something like this: 1) Get me a popular Gospel artist that can sing and has commercial success; 2) let me pair them with an R&B singer who is familiar with the church and is "gospel friendly" church (Witney Houston, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Fantasia would all be likely candidates - Does anyone have Patti Labelle's number?) 3) Give me some music that won't really offend anyone. The formula was in effect at last night's Grammy award ceremony in Los Angeles. While the music was excellently performed, I wish we would have heard more songs actually related to The Gospel. I must say, however, The Clark Sisters attempted to crash the template with their rendition of "You Brought the Sunshine" (If the thing wasn't scripted, Twinkie was well on her way to a shout).

I am reminded of an unbeliever I met one evening on a flight from San Francisco. I was talking to him about music and God. At some some point in the conversation He said, "I Love Gospel Music, I just hate that you have to always spend so much time talking to me about Jesus". In other words, "Give the music, but you can keep your message"

Christ lovers, let us take every opportunity, to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus as God, Christ, Died for our Sins, Risen from the dead. We do not want to be as those "who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen (Romans 1:25). As Gospel artists, musicians and believers, strive to ensure the message of Christ crucified is inextricably linked to the worship music we call "Gospel".

And Twinkie...Thank you!


Joel Hamernick said...

Hey Brother, you love Jesus or what?? Thanks for the good challenge in thinking about how "gospel" music is highjacked. Is it really gospel music if it excises THE gospel?

Jesus is God in Flesh said...

Yeah...I must say that I was quite troubled to see alleged believers in Christ revert to an "of the world" mentality. I was, however, encouraged to see and hear the name of Jesus mentioned as the Clark Sisters came out. "Jesus Brought the Sunshine." I believe that if we pray and ask the LORD to really move on the hearts of these believers to BOLDLY take a stand to and in mainstream media, then maybe (JUST MAYBE), mainstream (or not so mainstream) will at least begin to think about their own eternity and realize their need for Christ.
Godly defiance against the 'script' (of the media) is what's needed.

Ken said...

troy, do you suppose the term 'gospel music' is a misnomer? the term itself makes it sound like we want the 'music' but not the 'gospel'.

maybe i'm reaching, but it reminds me of the words of Jesus, when he said, "they worship me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."

again, the 'music' without the 'gospel'.

Joshua Jeneration said...

isaiah 29:13, many are worshipping that which they do not know (as the samaritans - John 4:22). this is bringing a lot of other thoughts to my mind --
