Feb 22, 2008

My Growing Disdain for Gospel Music

I have a love hate relationship with Gospel Music.

I love the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I enjoy "Gospel" music as an art form. I love listening to foot-stompin', hand-clapping chords and beats. But I am concerned we are going in the wrong direction with respect to this Music we call traditional gospel as a Ministry. Traditional gospel is often more focused on presentation than purpose. Style over substance. Charismatic characters over the Christ.

I found this whole "performance" kind of strange.

Ricky Dillard at the Stellars.

As a music minister, I am often concerned that people are becoming attracted to me rather than Christ. I am sure any pastor or leader of a ministry often considers this. We as Jesus lovers should never let the the style of presentation overshadow the savior. We should never elevate any man over the message of the Cross. May Jesus be exalted that our Lord does not have to humble us; for He disciplines those He loves. May he increase as we decrease (John 3:30).

Christ is all.

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