Feb 26, 2008

the evil impact of sin

Sin has so many effects.  

People are crushed by it.  Souls are lost in it.  Bodies are defiled in it.   My church is being impacted by the evil impact of sin.  People's families are being bruised.  When there is an issue in a church, many people are hurt by the situation.  
It is tearing apart our churches.  But we don't have to let it happen.  We are dead to sin, identifying with the crucifixion of our savior; but we can live to Christ.   Christ is dead to sin, and we can live in HIM.

Christ is all!

1 comment:

rickreilly said...

Grace and peace,

Sin is devastating. I long for the kingdom because I desire to see righteousness. I desire it for myself and others. It is truly hard to imagine living in a kingdom where righteousness is the norm. In the meantime, let us submit to the apostle Paul and put on the Lord Jesus Christ making no provision for the flesh.
