May 18, 2008

Lucy and a pocket knife

I went to go see Prince Caspian with my wife this weekend. The second installment of the Hollywood version of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia was very entertaining - I enjoyed it.

My favorite part in Prince Caspian is a scene toward the end of the movie. The other child kings are struggling to fight their enemy. while Lucy, representing sincere, childlike faith heads out to meet her savior companion, Aslan the Lion (Aslan is Lewis' Christ figure in Narnia).

When Lucy returns she comes face to face with the enemy army at a great river. At first you only see Lucy, facing the enemy army, seemingly alone. She pulls out a pocket knife in the face of a powerful enemy. Her enemy has soldiers, spears, arrows and horses, but Lucy stands confident, unafraid, and undaunted at the edge of the river. Why? She is not alone. Aslan is with her.

We ought to have Lucy-like faith. She was willing to take on an army of enemy warriors with a pocket knife as long as Aslan is by our side. Our Lord Jesus Christ IS by our side. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we may ask or think. He is our true Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and even in the midst of temptation, persecution and struggles, He is able to keep us and strengthen us with His power and life.

Give me Jesus and a pocket knife! Our Christ is all.


Billy said...

Grace and Peace,
You know that since Christ is All you don't need a pocket knife.

Joshua Jeneration said...

this is so true...CS Lewis has a theme of, we do our part, God does His. Sort of like David saying..."the battle is the Lord's" but he still got 5 smooth stones and a slingshot. David only needed one though!