May 23, 2008

Blessed Hate Speech

In urban slang, the term, "hater" has been popularized. It is a noun that refers to someone who wants to discredit you, defame you or minimize your accomplishments. "Haters" are jealous people who would like to see you getting less, being less, or having less.

"Hate speech" is what the world calls any thing that is not tolerant, regardless of merit. In 21st century America, Hate speech can lead to fines or criminal action. For example, To call someone who is a homosexual a "sinner", could be deemed as "hate speech".

But let's take another look at the word "hate". I can think of two scriptural examples when hate is actually blessed and good.

As Chist-lovers, we are to hate those things that strap us to this earthly space and time. Christ commended the church of Ephesus because they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans (Rev 2:6). Or what about in Zechariah when our Lord says..." Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor; and do not love a false oath, for all these are things that I hate." (Zechariah, 8:17). In these cases we ought to hate these things because our Lord hates them too. So you can see how Hate is encouraged when it is in alignment with our Christ's thinking.

In the same way, hatred of us is expected when we behave like the Lord. Jesus said, "Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you..."(Luke 6:22). In Truth we are blessed when we are in the world's hatred. God is pleased with us when we are hated for the reason of being identified with his Son; in essence we are blessed while reviled. This type of hatred lets us know we are acting like our great High Priest, King, Savior and Brother Jesus Christ. The corollary can also be argued, namely that when the world loves us, we are not looking like Christ (Luke 6:26).

I don't desire to be hated, but I do desire to look like Christ. So bring the haters on!

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