Aug 6, 2008

The Alpha

Jesus is the Alpha.

When we think about beginnings, we normally think about the object of phrase, "beginning of...". The object of the phrase "Beginning of ____ " gives meaning to the phrase - Usually, "beginning" is meaningless without the object; So what exactly is this the beginning of?
12Am is the beginning of a new day.
January 2001 was the beginning of a new millenia.
July 10, 1969 was the beginning of my life on earth (outside the womb).
Rosa Parks sitting on a bus, was the the beginning of the Civil Rights movement
Crispus Attucks was killed at the beginning of the revolutionary war
These are things, people, eras or events that had beginnings.

But Jesus IS the beginning.
No object. No explanation. No description of what He is the beginning OF, He simple is THE Beginning. There is no "of" when it comes to Him.
More than the beginning of time, of a thought, of the universe or of all created things.
Jesus is the Alpha

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