Oct 15, 2008

Jesus and the StockMarket

Consider James 5:1-3

"1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.
and...Matthew 13:22

"Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful."

or Luke 12:33

"Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. "

I then ask, do you believe Jesus is concerned when Christians suffer loss in the stock market? In fact, may it be the case that when we lose things on this earth, Jesus uses that to help us to become free of earthly slavery, temporal treasures, trading them for eternal true riches? I think as believers we should be pretty non-affected by these types of things. God is our treasure, He is our portion. Our reward is in heavan, not on this earth. Earthly things only serve to slow us down. Money should be used to serve God and expand the kingdom, not serve our own comforts.

So, use your money, do not serve it. And give thanks to YHWH as the stock-market fails. He will never fail!

Oct 13, 2008

I Complain too much

Phillippians 2:14-15

14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

This verse disturbs me. I have come to learn that I have the heart of a complainer. The Lord is not a complainer - what I mean is the Lord did all things on this earth without complaining or grumbling. He trusted His daddy enough to know that he ought not whine, disagree, grumble and dispute situations or their outcomes. In this verse Paul points out that when do complain and dispute our testimony in the world is damaged. Conversely, we want to "become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation."

Lord - I want to shine as a light in a dark world. Help me to hold my toungue tightly; not complaining about minor things, focused on my own comfort, and seeking my own desires. But rather, seeking your desires, placing others above me and accepting where I am - now.

Oct 11, 2008

Worship on the Run

Psalm 3 reads...

1 A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son. Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me. 2 Many are they who say of me, "There is no help for him in God." Selah 3 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.

David Truly knew how to take his thoughts captive and turn problems into praise. This brother was running for his life from his own Son, and yet He decides to Worship. He is no coward. He is running, but is not afraid. He seeks to escape persecution, but He states, I will not fear. Oh Lord, even when I am discouraged or in danger, please give me an attitude and the willingness to encourage myself in you and turn to Worship you!

Sep 25, 2008

True Temples

Whenever I look at old testament typology of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am always amazed at all of the ways He alludes that He is the Center of everything Spiritual.

Take for example the Temple. The Lord Jesus Christ seems to be demonstrated in the Temple. He is the location of our Worship in John 4. True Worship in Spirit and Truth is not located in an earthly Temple, or on a mountain, but it is found In Jesus Alone. Is Jesus alluding that the Temple is a Type of himself? Some may disagree, but I would say yes. When he states...
"destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up, but he was speaking of the Temple of His Body." (John 2:20-21) - I believe He is encouraging the Jew to recognize that He is the true location of Worship. His presence is more significant than the existence of the earthly, physical temple in Jerusalem. Just as the physical Temple was destroyed in AD 70, it was of no use when the true Temple and place of Worship Jesus the Christ had come.

Now the Body of Christ is considered as a holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2:21). We are to grow into a Temple that is fitted together. Worshiping Jesus collectively, in Spirit and in Truth, Growing in Unity unto our Head who is Christ.

And again, we are considered to be the "temple" of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16). WoW - so we can actually worship God because the Holy Spirit is within Us - Our Bodies house the person of the Holy Spirit and thus we don't need to be in a physical temple, but can worship God in Spirit and in Truth by the Spirit of God Himself.

I don't fully understand how all of these things can be. How I can be worshiping in the Temple as the Body of Christ, as a believer (The Temple of the Holy Spirit). I do know however that because Jesus has raised His own Temple, that we can have true worship. I look forward to Worshiping God in the heavenly Temple, not made with Hands. He is forever to be praised!

Sep 22, 2008

Wisdom of Words...

1 Corinthians 1:17 reads...

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect...

How does "Wisdom of Words" make Christ's cross, "of no effect"?

As we share the gospel of Christ, we hope to demonstrate who He is. We hope to discuss and share the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, demonstrated to be our Messiah by the raising from the dead. He is the Christ, the anointed God-Man King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He has risen bodily from the dead!

Now, when we discuss and share this message about Jesus, we need to avoid flowery words, human arguments and fleshly debating trickery. As we share this most beautiful truth, we must avoid placing confidence in our words, our own intelligence and our own reasonings rather than the Cross of Christ. When the emphasis is on "wisdom of words" to sway the hearer, we risk an emphasis on our persuasion rather than Jesus the Christ.

The Holy Spirit causes us to believe.

Let us trust in God, the Holy Spirit to open the ears of hearers in the world; boldly, confidently, but humbly sharing the Gospel of Christ. Let us rely on reasoned arugments from the scriptures rather than personal eloquence or verbal prowess.

Sep 4, 2008

Christ our Learning

There are a lot of things the world wants us to understand and learn. Job duties, titles, procedures, political saavy, leadership skills, typing skills, computer skills, "the way of the world", "common sense", how to talk to women, how to please a man.

The world wants you to learn many things.

God wants you to learn one thing. His Son.

All of our learning in the body of Christ is that we might understand the Head, the Lord Jesus Christ who is to forever to be praised. Amen. Christ is what we learn, He is the one we study, we are disciples of Him. All of the Bible holds Christ as the subject, topic and focus. All of what we want to know and learn ought to be the Lord Jesus.

Christ is all,

Sep 3, 2008

Christ on the Brain

If you are one of my brothers or sisters who attended the Christocentric Conference in Indiana, PA this last week, you will know what I am talking about.

Christ Pre-occupation.

The Lord Jesus Christ should be that which we have set our mind on as we engage with any new activity. He his our thinking starting point - the person we engage with that we may do all things to His Glory.

Jesus Christ ought to be our leading thought. The sermon at the conference emphasized, " Often times, our point of determination is more self-centered..."I will not waste my time", "I will not back down", "I will not forget", "I determine to be on-time from now on...". upon arriving at Corinth, Paul's intention was singular, specific and focused. 1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony* of God. 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2)

Can you see that this is Paul's has intentially decided to intensely recognizeand lay hold of our Lord Jesus Christ? He is increasing in Christocentricity. He was planning His thoughts before time. He had a Christocentric Epistemology what he would learn, think and teach would be the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us determine to consider, think on, and obey Him before!

Christ is all!

Aug 17, 2008

I am Not Forgotten

So we sang this tune today at church called, "I Am Not Forgotten". OK, so the tune is actually pretty anthropocentric - I like the music, but I wish more of the tune was focused on Worship of the Christ alone... But that is a thought for another blog post.

As we were sining I thought... "It is not possible that God could actually forget anything". He is eternal. He never actually remembers something. I know the scriptures use the phrase, remembrance, but it is not in the same sense that we think of remembering. For God's mind is eternally perfect. So He can never forget anything He has every thought or spoken. In fact, he actually does not forget the believer or the unbeliever. He is perfectly in remembrance of every event of eternity.

Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8). The grass withers and the flower fades away but the Word of the Lord endures forever (1 Peter 1:24).

Christ is ALL

Aug 15, 2008

My Family Twice

I am going to spend a bunch of time with my family tomorrow. I haven't seen many of them for awhile. However, what I am most looking forward to is the chance to share with my spiritual family.

Blood ties are nothing in the kingdom.

We are taught to care for our children and wives, love our wives, respect our husbands, honor our parents, and discipline our children. These are good and right in the Lord. But in the Kingdom, we have a deeper bond with those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Consider this verse... Mark 3:32-35 reads...

And a multitude was sitting around Him; and they said to Him, "Look your mother and brothers are outside seeking you. But he answered them saying, "Who is my mother or my brothers?" And He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him and said, "Here are my mother or my brothers! For whoever does the will of God is my brother and My sister and mother."

So when I fellowship with my earthly family that is also my heavenly family, I have true fellowship. Pray that our fellowship is rich and In Christ.

How do I know this guy is saved?

Of course, I understand that we cannot really ever know if a person is saved - God separates the wheat from the tears.

But when you are sharing the gospel with a person, what are you looking to see/hear/observe to know that a person seems to be a believer? I think of the story in the book of Acts (8:26-39) where Philip is sent to an Ethiopian eunuch. He decides that the person should be baptized, thus recognizing him as a believer -- what do you look for to recognize someone as a brother or sister in Christ?

Christ is all-

Aug 13, 2008

Everything Jesus Gives is Free - Part 5

God loves to freely give.

Consider James 1:5 -
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Or from Proverbs 2...
For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Now correlate these verses with the following...

I Corinthians 1:24
but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

Can you see how God wants to liberally give us wisdo?. But in this giving we ought not look for a book, one of Ben Franklin's sayings, or some wise nugget from an earthly sage. Jesus is in fact our Wisdom. For God so loved the world that He gave His only unique Son. God is always wanting to give us more of His Son. So then all spiritual things that pertain to His Son God liberally seeks to give us. Whether faith, wisdom, knowledge, grace, truth, life, way (how) - All of the mind of God is in Christ, and God seeks to liberally impart to us the mind of Christ.

Christ is all!

Aug 10, 2008

Our Rock and Cornerstone

The church of the Living God is referred to as a building in the scriptures. If the church is described as a building, then Christ is the chief cornerstone (1 Peter 2:6). And what a marvelous stone He is.

Consider Deuteronomy 32:18. Here, Israel is rebuked...

Of the Rock who begot you, you are unmindful, and have forgotten the God who fathered you.

This is a productive, procreating Rock! YHWH here is described as a Rock who has "begotten" us. He is the one who breathed the breath of life into man (physically), but this verse speaks uniquely of his begotten offspring - Israel. But unfortunately, the nation had become unmindful of the Rock.

But we have not so learned Christ. We have the mind of Christ! (1 Corinthians 2:16; Ephesians 4:16). May we never become "unmindful" of this most blessed Rock.

Christ is all.

Aug 8, 2008

Jesus is the Thesis

What is a thesis? With respect to a document, a book or an essay, we can define the thesis as "the subject for a subject for a composition or essay".

John 1:1-4,14-18, Luke 24:25-27 - Jesus is the whole point of the God.

  • Jesus is God's topic sentence, body of content and conlusion.
  • Christ is the outline and each sub-point.
  • He is the proposition and each individual sub-theme.
Jesus Christ is the Thesis -- He alone is the Big Idea. Jesus is God's revelation, God's Prophecy, His Apostolic intent; God's sole teaching and instruction. God's perfect Word, every comma, apostrophe, jot and tittle.

Jesus Christ is the enbodiment of the Word of God. The Word now has a body, legs, fingers, flesh and blood.

Aug 6, 2008

The Alpha

Jesus is the Alpha.

When we think about beginnings, we normally think about the object of phrase, "beginning of...". The object of the phrase "Beginning of ____ " gives meaning to the phrase - Usually, "beginning" is meaningless without the object; So what exactly is this the beginning of?
12Am is the beginning of a new day.
January 2001 was the beginning of a new millenia.
July 10, 1969 was the beginning of my life on earth (outside the womb).
Rosa Parks sitting on a bus, was the the beginning of the Civil Rights movement
Crispus Attucks was killed at the beginning of the revolutionary war
These are things, people, eras or events that had beginnings.

But Jesus IS the beginning.
No object. No explanation. No description of what He is the beginning OF, He simple is THE Beginning. There is no "of" when it comes to Him.
More than the beginning of time, of a thought, of the universe or of all created things.
Jesus is the Alpha

Aug 5, 2008

Bibles for Sale @ jesus.com

Can you imagine Jesus selling you a copy of a bible? I can't. It really is a shame that so many have used the person of Jesus Christ to make a buck.

Is there anything wrong with providing money to those who minister the gospel? No, in fact it is preferred, but when we compromise to actually sell the most valuable spiritual thing that may be offered, namely the person of Christ in teaching - this is a big problem.

So I'll ask again...

Can you imagine Jesus selling you a copy of the Bible? Is this something Jesus would do? Would Jesus set up a web-site and peddle the scriptures? Perhaps these titles would attract consumers and Jesus could make the NY Times Best Sellers list.

  • "The Jesus Christ Study Bible: You only have one teacher, why not learn directly from Him"
  • "The Word Word: The Unadulterated Word of God from the Word of God Himself"
  • "Lifeline Bible Interlinear: A Greek New Testament that is written from the Life Himself"
  • "Eyewitness Study Bible: A Greek New Testament
  • "One Year Walk with the King: Study the Scriptures in a Year with the King of Kings"
Do you think Jesus would give any of these titles a shot?

A Repository of Christocentric Teaching

Each year on Labor Day weekend, a group of friends of mine from Christ Bible Church make a trek out to Indiana Pennsylvania to a small fellowship of believers.

We gather for A "Christocentric Conference". The Conference is a weekend of teaching about the person of Jesus Christ. Is this a bible conference? Well sort of. It is a time that is dedicated to learning the person of the Lord Jesus Christ in a very explicit manner.

We spend the weekend discussing, hearing-of, and asking Him to re-orient our thinking patterns so that He is the true center of our interest, desires, doctrine, motives - our Life.

For those who love the Lord Jesus Christ, I invite you to attend. For more information about he conference, click on the Lion of Judah (above) and explore the site. The conference will be held August 29-31 at Lord Jesus Christ Assembly in Indiana, PA.

Aug 4, 2008

The Son - Creator of All Things

God is the Creator of all things.

The Son who became a man (Jesus) is the Creator of all things. Colossians 1:16 reads...

For by him (Jesus) all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

Isn't interesting that many of the things listed here are actually "invisible" to the human eye. Men cannot see the Father, we cannot see the Holy Spirit (all the He has represented himself visually throughout the scriptures). We cannot see Angels, they are spirit beings (although some have entertained them unaware as they have in fact appeared to look as men).

We cannot see most of the stars in the sky and the accompanying solar systems that surround many of them. With our naked eyes, we cannot see most galaxies, although there are literally thousands of them, many larger than the milky way. But all things - whether visible or invisible, were created by HIM.

Because He is the creator, then all things are ultimately For Him. Sent by His Father. Obedient to His Father's will - Jesus actually suffered a physical death where by that which He created FOR HIM, in fact HATED HIM.

This is infinitely perplexing and altogether beautiful to me. That the Father would decide to provide His own Son's human (created) life for the ransom of many (those He had already made). What a glorious Gospel. The Creator has been bruised on behalf of the Created!

I love Jesus.

Aug 1, 2008

Defending Jesus

I used to really enjoy a certain on-air apologist for the faith. When I first believed, I truly appreciated the apologist "watchdogs" - self-proclaimed defenders of the common faith we hold in God's Son Jesus Christ. Listening to them gave me confidence that what I believed was shared by other thinking, reasoning people.

But as I have learned and grown in Him, I have increasingly found this type of apologetics to not be Christocentric.

While listening to a radio apologetics show yesterday, the discussion was between a practicing Mormon caller and two Christian apologists. As the conversation proceeded, the Christian apologists continued to raise issues about the falsehoods in the book of Mormon, DNA evidence that refuted the Mormon faith, tales about Joseph Smith and archeology that was contrary to Mormon historic writings. As I listened to the Christ-believers, I thought to myself...WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TELL HIM ABOUT JESUS?

Sometimes when we learn about other faiths, other ways of thinking or other doctrines, we find ourselves poking holes in these anti-Christ faiths rather than presenting the most blessed Jesus Christ. If we read how biblical "apologists" (the apostles) "defended the faith", they simply reiterated true doctrine about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Galatians, I John, Jude and Colossians may all be considered texts that are responding to anti-Christs in the their time. What you do NOT see is dialogue with these anti-Christs that presents arguments for why their faiths are not true. Therefore, we conclude that truly biblical apologists simply describe the truth about the Christ that refutes the false faith - they do not learn about the anti-Christ religion in order to refute it in a philosophical debate.

So then, while we are "defending Jesus" we can actually fail to be Christocentric.

In fact, we can replace Jesus the Christ with another set of "truths" that, while factually accurate, do not emphasize the person of Christ, thus are not in agreement with the Spirit of God whose sole aim is to reveal the Christ to the hearts of men.

Don't we know that we simply need to share the person of Jesus with the unbeliever?

  • Jesus has come in the flesh.
  • He IS God of all; the Son of the Living God
  • He did die for our sins according to the scripture
  • He did rise from the dead bodily/physically
  • He is our messiah/King and He will return
This is our gospel. This is our message to the unbeliever. Let Jesus rise.

Jul 23, 2008

Everything Jesus Gives is Free, Part 4 - We Get what He IS

The exchange of the gospel is amazing. Think onthese passages....

1 Corinthians 2;16 - For who has known the mind of the Lord that they might instruct Him, but we have the mind of Christ?, but have the mind of Christ

2 Corinthians 5:21, For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

1 Corinthians 1:30 - But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God -- and righteousness and sanctification and redemption

A Right Mind

These are things that are in Jesus the Christ. He IS Holy, Set Apart, Righteous and Wise. But when we are found IN Him He grants us all of these by virtue of our location. He does not in fact, impart these things in some sort of transactional way, but rather, we get them by being IN him. So when we abide in our savior we increase in wisdom, spiritual alertness, love, forgiveness -- all the things that are He defines.

We become more like Him by Grace. We cannot pay for it -- there is nothing we can do to desire more wisdom, or more of His mind, or greater Wisdom. But rather He simply gives it to us.

Or more accurately, He IS these things for us. He IS our righteousness, our peace, our love, our mind, our doctrine, our wisdom. And thankfully we do not have to earn it. For if we did, we would remain as we were apart from Him -- foolish, self-righteous, wicked, carnal and careless.

Christ is all.

Jul 18, 2008

Everything Jesus Gives is Free - Part 3

Romans 4:4-5 - Now to him who works , the wages are not counted as grace but as debt. But to him who does not work, but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness

No works. Absolutely no works are required for us to be "counted" righteousness. In fact, when we think our works can get us God's righteousness, we are insulting God. Have you ever had someone offer you money for something you think is priceless? Have you ever been given an offer of cash that was much lower than the actual worth of a thing you owned?

It is insulting.

Consider then the ultimate "insult" of humankind thinking they can work for the righteousness of God. How can we so underestimate the eternal value of the eternal righteousness of an eternal God? Men think of "works-centered righteousness" as integrity and morality. God sees it as an infinite misjudgment of the merit, holiness and righteousness of men.

Our works are filthy as rags in comparison to the holiness of God (Isiah 64). But we do have an eternally righteous savior - the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is YHWH who saves. He is the God who IS our peace and righteousness. He IS the Grace of God toward us. (John 1:14, Eph 2:7).

Christ is all

Jul 17, 2008

To Know Him

To Know Him is the central purpose of our lives

  • Heaven, blessing, security, provision - these are mere by products of Knowing Him.
  • To Worship HIM, to Praise Him, to Sing to Him, Give to Him; this is what we do when we Know HIM.
  • Disciple, Friend, Brother, Servant, Joint Heir - these are titles that come with KNOW HIM.
  • Persecuted, Dispised, Disrespected, Unknown, Unregarded, Punished - This is how the World thinks of us the more we KNOW HIM.
  • Loved, Cared for, Remembered, Not Forgotten, Graced - This is what He considers us when we KNOW HIM.
  • Holiness, Righteousness, Omnipotence, Goodness, Power, Wisdom, Truth, Life - these are attributes we would know nothing of apart from KNOWING HIM.
We spend our time as the church learning to recognize and Know HIM, for to Know HIM is why we live.

His resurrection power. Fellowship in Suffering. Moldable to Death.

Chirst is all-

_______ day

Galatians 3:28 reads, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. "
I believe we ought not polute our worship with human focus. The 21st century church spends a lot of time celebrating things associated with our human diversity. IN the church, we celebrate things like..."Mens" days, "Women's day" and "Youth day". We hold Mother's day luncheon's, "Father's day prayer" and "Pastor's Anniversary" banquets. We celebrate "Church Anniversary", "Founder's Weeks, " and We even celebrate cultural things like "Black History Month" and "Cinqo De Mayo".
None of these things are in the bible. Christ never encouraged any of us to hold special celebrations in His name that honor men. Things that churches expect us to participate with no biblical basis are called traditions of men.
I love my mother. I love my dad. I love black people. I love white people. I love my local assembly - I am simply wary of celebrating things in the church that have an emphasis that is separate than the head of the body the Lord Jesus Christ.
Am I going to far? Am I being too technical? Am I too "Jesus"-crazy?
I am simply asking God to re-direct my attention to HIM alone. May the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted to the glory of God the Father, in the power of God the Spirit.
Christ is all-

Jul 16, 2008

Everything Jesus gives is Free - Part 2

I believe Jesus received money while working in ministry. He has a treasurer for the ministry He led (albeit a cheating treasurer). And he used money to pay for things that needed to be paid for. But why do we often confuse the concepts of 1) receiving money and 2) charging for a service.

When we receive a gift, we are simply the recipient of someone else's free decision. If you provide me with money because I have ministered through the Word, Teaching, Counsel, Music Ministry - or any other work I perform as an Elder and Servant of Christ, that is a good thing. I will gladly receive it. I believe that ministers of the gospel should receive money as they faithfully fulfill the work of Christ (1 Cor 9:9; Deut 25:4; 1 Tim 5:17). But this is altogether different than a minister charging for His work.

Charging says - "I'll do this if I get paid." Receiving a gift says, "I will gladly accept this, but I will serve even if I do not receive a gift".

I would encourage my fellow ministers to avoid charging. Strangely enough, the world normally considers your ministry to be less valid, qualified or worthwhile if you do NOT charge. 1 Corinthians 9:18 encourages us as ministers to avoid abusing our rights as ministers (this passage speaks specifically about Apostles, but we will apply it to other word-bearing ministers). Brothers - avoid charging. Allow giving. Use wisdom and avoid the love of money.

Christ is all.

Jul 11, 2008

Yesterday was my birthday, but...

Yesterday was my birthday! But so what? Well a friend of mine sent me a text saying that I should reflect on my spiritual re-birthday. This was a great message -- I was already thinking about it so it was a great reminder.

Yesterday, I was thinking...

1. My first birth date is pretty insignificant
2. I will eventually cease to live on this earth and I will live eternally
3. I was re-born in the Lord Jesus Christ and now I have a real reason to celebrate.

My spiritual re-birth is the true reason to be rejoicing. I lived most of my teen years believing I was a believer - but I was not. When I truly came to believe on Jesus as the God-man, Messiah, Risen Bodily Savior, I was about 22 years old. Before then, I said that i was "saved", but I did not believe in the person of Jesus.

  • I had said a prayer to receive Christ, but did not believe in the deity of Christ.
  • I went to church, but did not know Jesus was the Creator of the Universe
  • I led musical groups, choirs and ministries, but did not even know what the term "Son of God" meant
  • I lived a moral life in the eyes of carnal men, but I did not know anything about the scriptures or that Jesus was God.
I am most thankful that Jesus saved me from the condemnation I am due. Yesterday was my birthday...but not really.

Everything Jesus gives is Free - Part 1

Have you ever considered that the Lord Jesus never charges for anything. He does not connect a cost to the things he provides for us. He freely gives (Revelation 21:6. Romans, 8:32, Matthew 10:8)

We have been saved by grace through faith, not of ourselves. It was not through our works that he has saved us, but because of his free gift unto us (Ephesians 2:8). God operates with us by giving what He wants to give freely. I can think of at least two reasons why this is so.

No Glory for Us
If the gift cost us something, we would eventually boast about it. In other words, if we paid for we would ascribe a measure of deservedness, glory or praise to our selves. Think about how man operates. The pride of life. The lust of the eyes. Men love to tell others about how much they paid for things. They enjoy the status that comes along with high cost goods. Man almost always sees his own glory in that which he has bought. So God does not allow us to share in His glory by

No Price Would be High Enough
The things God gives us cannot be paid for. They represent the infinite value of an infintely holy savior and King. Christ's death for us cannot be paid for. By adding any human price to His gift we would be cheapening the value of his gift.

No One would be able to pay
If God's gifts toward us were based on our ability to pay, no one would be able to pay it. Man could not do enough, save enough or pay enough to interact with an infinite God.

The God-Man Jesus the Christ is our only mediator to God. He paid an infinite price and is a perfect man. Thus God must engage with man only through His Son. I have more to say about this topic, but will save it until the next installment.

Christ is all!

Jul 9, 2008

Woe to you when men speak well of you...

Luke 6:26 reads, "woe to you when men speak well of you..."

When men all men love you, it is normally the case that you are not speaking the truth of God to them. Men hate truth, because they love the darkness (John 3:17-19).

When I share the gospel, I simply explain the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ - namely His Person and His Work. Who He Is (God, Man, Deity, Messiah/King) and what He has done for us (died for our sins, rose physically from the dead, demonstrated His Messiahship). I teach that by believing in this Jesus, men can be saved. But saved from what?

If I sense someone is thinking..."So what about this Jesus...I'm straight...I'm cool...I don't need Jesus". I then share with them the condemnation that is on them. I let them know that they are currently under a judgment. A condemnation from this perfect righteous God. That by continuing in unbelief in God (Jesus IS God), that they will be condemned.

This is what makes the Gospel - Good. That in spite of my sin, in spite of my state of condemnation, God has made a way of escape. While I would not say sharing information about condemnation is part of the "gospel" - it is what makes the message GOOD NEWS. Namely, that I no longer must live in condemnation for eternity. Take out the fact that Jesus is the only way to escape judgment and the Gospel seeks to be GOOD news. It quickly becomes..."that was nice to know" - news.

We need a savior. God provided His Son as the only WAY, Truth and Life. Believe on Him.

Get ur snap on...

Do you enjoy poetry? Check out our sister Blair in this provocative piece she spit at a banquet in L.A.

That -----___------- ___ poet

Jul 8, 2008

This King of Peace

Are Kings normally identified by Peace? Most of the Kings of England, France, Russia, Egyptian Pharaohs and Caesars were known as tyrants.

Our savior is from the tribe of Judah. He was prophesied to come in the line of Kings in Israel. It was prophesied that the King that sat on this throne would have an everlasting Kingdom (Psalm 93:2).

But He is also called a King of Peace. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace in the Book of Isaiah. Our Lord is also identified as a King of Peace in the likeness of Melchizedek. The writer of Hebrews reminds us that this King of Salem is the King of Peace. He has truly given unto us peace (John 14:27). This Kingdom is not as the world would see a kingdom, with eating, drinking and worldly goods, but this Kingdom is a Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In Him we have reconciliation with the Father. In Him we have a true peace that passes all understanding. For He, Himself IS our Peace (Ephesians 2:14).

So again, are earthly Kings normally identified by peace? Because He is powerful and is the rightful King, He is able to keep this peace. It is not temporary, for He is the King on the everlasting throne.

Church Segmentation - 11, Franchises and Brand Extensions

So a quick marketing lesson is in order. A brand is:

"a collection of experiences and associations attached to a company, organization, product or service; more specifically, brand refers to the concrete symbols such as a name, logo, slogan, and design scheme".

In marketing, when a company or product has a brand that is viewed positively, they attempt to leverage the positive feelings toward the brand by "extending" the brand into areas the product has not previously been utilized. For example, Coca Cola is a core brand. But to extend into the market more they created, Coke Zero, Cherry Coca Cola, Caffeine free Coke etc. Lays potato chips is a brand, but they then developed, Wavy Lays, Baked Lays to capitalize on the consumer's enjoyment of the Lays brand. Franchises work similarly to brand extensions in that they take a trusted company and move the entire company into a new community. McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Burger King, Target -- same company, different communities. They take a "successful" model and transplant it so that the consumer need not become acquainted with the brand, they can expect to find the same type of store transplanted into a new place.

Well, 21st Century American churches have copied this corporate model. In my area there are several churches who have extended into the local community. Harvest Gurnee, Harvest Lake Zurich, or The Chapel Mundelein, have recently been planted. These church plants begin a new local congregation in a new area, but take the positive aspects of the mother church to the new geographic location.

Church planting is great, but sometimes I fear that churches are attempting to plant their church model and then extend IT into other communities. The main message becomes, you can visit our new church that is just like the original "church model" but in a new community. Can you see how subtle this is? Can you see how quickly the emphasis can become the model that has worked in the past congregation rather than Christ-ocentric, Word-following ministry? The danger is that we attempt to duplicate a worship style vs. focusing on disciple making.

Christ is the only One who needs to be extended. He ought be pre-eminent in all things. O ur Lord Jesus Christ must be exalted in every way, at every opportunity, by every man and woman, in every place. We are who desire Jesus' brand - those who want to be totally consumed in our mind with the imprint of the Savior. We want more than to be associated with Christ through church affiliation, political practices, traditional morality, "family values", t-shirts or rubber bracelets...we seek to obey and love Him radically, unashamedly and consistently.

Let us be sure to never place a model, brand or idea in the center. May Christ remain our central focus and desire.

Jul 2, 2008

King of Kings - 1

Our King is truly a King.
He was born in the Davidic line. The book of Matthew begins with the geneology of our King. He is called, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. This demonstrates that He is both Jewish and from the unique lineage of the Tribe of Judah and the House of David. The throne of David was established as an eternal throne. The King of eternity had to be one who came from the house of David. Matthew outlines the fact that Jesus' adopted, earthly father was Joseph who was from the line of David. (Luke 2:4)

Luke 3 also traces our King's lineage all the way back to the first man, Adam. Jesus is the Son of Man, born to a woman.

But, perhaps most impressively, He is not only born to the line of a King, but He is worshiped by a King. Jesus points out in Matthew 22:43 that David called this Messiah King - LORD (kurios). This is the greek term for YHWH, or "THE LORD" of the "old testament". YHWH is the name of God (I AM) and David regards this King as Kurios, YHWH, "The I AM I AM", Creator God.

So our King is not merely an earthly King, but He is God. He is THE LORD God who Reigns.

Jun 29, 2008

Church Segmentation - Part 10, Worship Style Services

There is a church that the Christ-worship ministry I lead has visited that boasts three styles of worship services. They have a traditional church service, a contemporary church service and a youth service. The goal is to meet every one's personal worship styles.

Do you think Christ is interested in worship style? Ought believers be gathering with people who have a certain worship style? One that is similar to their own personal preference?

This focus is not Christ at All. This type of segmentation divides the body. It separates the unity that is Christ. Is Christ divided? Is Jesus one who wants us to separate the seniors from the youth? The traditional musical style from the contemporary? May it never be! Jesus is the head - we are His Body. May we be unified in Him alone.

Christ is all.

Another Gospel

The Gospel is about the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the message of Jesus alone. More specifically that Jesus is God's only true, unique Son. That Jesus came to die for the sins of the world. That He did in fact die and rise from the dead. That Jesus is the promised, prophesied Messiah of the World. The Anointed one, the Christ. It is about knowing the only true God, the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Son of God - begotten of the Father.

But many are teaching another Jesus. One who desires that you will be healthy, wealthy and comforted by material things. This is not the Jesus of the scriptures. Click on the video above for an excerpt from Desiring God ministries about this so-called Gospel that really is no gospel at all. (2 Corinthians 11:4).

Jun 28, 2008

Church Segmentation - Part 9, Contemporary Topical Preaching

Preachers and Teachers. Evangelists and Exhorters. Word-bearers in the Church of the Living God. Those called to be Elders and Deacons. Pastors of the flock...

Stop teaching so many culture-topical messages. What do I mean by this? I mean, stop looking to the culture to find what you should teach.

If you need to correct your local church because they have followed the world, do not hesitate to rebuke. But be sure to teach them the Word of God. Start with The Word - end with The Word. Every answer your local church needs is in the Word. The Word of God IS Christ. He is the most awesome message that could ever be preached or taught! Preach the Word (Christ) in Season and out of Season. Teach them the Gospels. The Epistles. Revelation. The Books of Wisdom. The Law. Teach them The book of Acts and the Prophets. They need to know the mind of Christ and it is ONLY found in the Word of Christ!

Reproof corrects us, but there is no reproof apart from the Word of God. Your sheep need Christ, they just don't always know it.

They have been conditioned by the cosmos to hear advice from Oprah, doctrine from Dr. Phil and the extra-biblical traditions of Church Going men. But do not forsake The Word of Life which is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our only hope. You need not entertain them, merely share the truth and pure nourishment of the Word of God.

What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? - Part 3, Self Control

Is Spirit filling active worship?

I was raised in a very conservative church (according to traditional "black" church standards). But even though I went to First Community AME, it was not unusual (especially during "revival") for people to "catch the holy ghost").

"Catching the Holy Ghost" in a traditional African American religious conference is defined by a person, dancing, shouting, sometimes screaming and passing out. Whenever these things happened at my childhood church, someone would say..."She just caught the Holy Ghost"; or maybe someone would say..."The Spirit just hit them..." or, "He was dancing in the Spirit".

So, in this context, the Holy Spirit is normally blamed when a person begins to shout, scream and dance uncontrollably. But one of the fruits of the Spirit of God Is Self-Control. Our Lord was Never out of Control. He was always totally aware of what He was saying -- He was 100% in charge of His actions. His motives were never evil and His actions never were contrary to His intentions. In fact, because He only did what He saw His Father doing, (John 8:38, 15:15) For Jesus to be out of control would indirectly accuse God the Father of lack of control. How then can the Spirit of God who was sent to testify of Christ direct a Human in an manner that is without self-control.

Dancing, singing, praising God are excellent unto HIM -- but let us worship God with all of our mind.

Jun 22, 2008

"Vulgar" Praise

2 Samuel 6:20-22 is one of my all time favorite swatches of scripture...

When David returned home to bless his household, Michael daughter of Saul came out to meet him and said, "How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, disrobing in the sight of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!' David said to Michael, "It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord's people Israel - I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor."

There is so much that could be said of this verse, but let us highlight this point. David's statement, "It was before the Lord". His worship, his dancing was solely dedicated to the Lord. It was not for the eyes of his wife. He was disinterested in how it made him look before the world. He was not concerned with the opinions of men, but he was reflecting on the goodness of God and decided to demonstrate it in praise that was deemed shameful and undignified in the eyes of his carnal wife. Ironically, that which was for God was viewed as "vulgar" by the one who had no regard for God.

Isn't this just like the world? They take the things which God enjoys and claims they are unholy, and takes the things which God deems as unholy, unrighteous or vain and makes them to be worshiped. God alone is forever to be worshiped. May our worship be for God alone, in Christ alone by the power of the Spirit alone.

Christ is all!

Jun 20, 2008

My "Alma Mater" - Things I hate about Notre Dame

Men often take the name of Jesus to the most common places.

I went to a very strange school for undergraduate - the University of Notre Dame. The school seeks to develop a lot of nostalgia in its students. While Notre Dame claims to be a Christian (albeit Catholic) institution, as I reflect on my experiences there, I find the school to be markedly Anti-Christ.

One think I can't stand about Notre Dame is the use term "Touchdown Jesus". There is a huge mural of Christ on the side of the main library at ND. From the football stadium, the mural is directly behind the goal posts. Given that Notre Dame is a school noted for its football tradition, students "affectionately" give the name of this mural, "Touchdown Jesus". I hate this.

Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is not a mascot that should be pulled out and cheered to for sporting success. Jesus is THE CHRIST - forever to be praised. He is I AM.

Touchdown Jesus is another Jesus and is thus Anti-Christ. He is the Notre Damic friend who encourages football success, is OK with Saturday night drunkenness, leads mass on Sunday morning, looks over your shoulder when you have an exam, and answers prayers offered by candle at the grotto.

The real Jesus Christ is the infinitely better, awesome, creator and King! The Alpha and the Omega. The Prince of Peace. Mighty God. From Everlasting to Everlasting. The Ancient of Days forever to be praised! Amen.

Jun 19, 2008

Our Rock of Escape

I look for the Lord Jesus Christ whenever I open the pages of the scripture. Here is a favorite text of mine I read again a few days ago...

1 Samuel 23:28, "Therefore Saul returned from pursuing David, and went against the Philistines; so they called that place the Rock of Escape."

The Lord Jesus Christ IS the rock. He is the Rock where living water is located. He is the stumbling stone and the rock of offense to those who deny Him. But in this passage he is the Rock of Escape. He is a place of shelter. He is our YHWH Nissi under which we find refuge, escape and protection in the time of trouble. David escaped from the hand of Saul in this Rock and we can find refuge and protection in the Lord Jesus Christ, our Rock of Escape.

What does it Mean to be Filled with the Spirit? - Part 2, Toungues or Jibberish?

Watch people who argue premises which can neither be proven or denied. Many today preport to be speaking in an "unknown language". When you ask..."What is this language you are speaking", they will claim, "it is an angelic, heavenly language." When you question, "How do you know it is an angelic language?", they will reply, "I prayed and God enabled me to speak in it...I know this is the Holy Spirit!"

How can we ever examine whether such a thing is of God or not. This is an unprovable premise. But, I would argue that based on the scriptures, we can deny such a premise. Mainly because it does not characterize the spiritual intent of the Holy Spirit of God - namely to illuminate us to Jesus (John 15:26).

I have been attacked by fellow brothers and sisters for doubting whether or not this is "speaking in toungues" as it is demonstrated in the scriptures.. What do you think? If I don't see Christ, his person, thinking, compassion, love, and identity being clearly communicated, I do not assume it resonates from the Spirit whose focus is to draw men closer to Him (Christ)..

Jun 18, 2008

Church Segmentation, Part 8 - Prophetesses and Sister Evangelists

Have you noticed the trend in many inner-city churches to endorse prophetesses and evangelists. For some reason in current American Christianity, there is still a traditional lack of tolerance for women pastors, but prophetesses and evangelists have been wholly embraced.

I don't really understand where this comes from. It may come from a re-interpretation of New Testament teaching on the role of the teacher and elder, but I suspect the root is more simple and more human. May I suggest that the reason for the upsurge in prophetesses and female evangelists is a combination of the women's liberation movement and the fact that a more diverse set of teachers will increase church attendance (numbers).

Take a look at Revalation 2:20 and the Lord Jesus Christ's rebuke of Thyatira. Is his rebuke only because of the content of the woman's teaching, or is because the church allowed her to teach at all (or both)? Or why don't we hear more sermons today that address 1 Timothy 2:12-13. This passage is normally marginalized and skipped in most US pulpits. Nor have I seen anyone of late confirm their claim to being a prophet through any signs, miracles, or most importantly the exaltation of the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So then, Little Children test the spirits and do not believe every so-called messenger of God for there are many false prophetesses who will deceive.

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

Some of you who are my age or older probably grew up watching "The Wide World of Sports". The show was on ABC and was hosted by Jim McKay. Last week Jim McKay died. He was one of he most famous sports announcers of all time. On his 70's and 80's television show, The Wide World of Sports, he began every show with the famous line, "The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat".

People love watching sports because they feel like they are vicariously winning through the athletes. The human heart enjoys rooting for a team and participating in their victory. Unfortunately, these "victories" are all vanity.

Last night the Boston Celtics one the NBA championship, their 17th Championship. Kevin Garnett one his first. This past weekend Tiger Woods won the U.S. Open for his 14th major championship. The New York Giants won the Super Bowl this year and the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. But, in a few months, someone else will win the Super Bowl. Another team will win the World Series. They will all hoist the same trophies and say the same things. But the thrill only lasts for a short time. It will eventually pass away.

But in Christ, we hope to receive a crown from our eternal King. We seek a reward that will not rot or rust. We desire an affirmation from the judge that sees all performance, never misses any effort and knows our motives, the true and holy judge with eyes of fire. We await a true and holy king that we will worship, serve and enjoy forever. Lord, come soon.

Jun 17, 2008

The Role of the our Great High Priest

Priests are mediators of worship. They are the ones who are responsible to serve as God's mediator between God and men. They mediate the covenant and all worship must flow through them. In the old testament, a priest was required to provide a sacrifice.

I was reading 1 Samuel today. Saul made a crucial mistake early in the book by offering a sacrifice in lieu of the presence of Samuel. Saul waited for Samuel, but when he (Samuel) didn't show, Saul decided to offer the sacrifice himself (1 Samuel 13:8-13). Saul lost the Kingdom and favor of God because he "foolishly" approached worship without a priest. He thought he could simply provide a sacrifice on His own accord - but this is insulting to the person and Holiness of God.

Did he fully understand how much his behavior disregarded God? Maybe not, but in fact, this act was anti-Christ. It was anti-Christ in the sense that Saul took over the role of priest. He decided to be the mediator himself, when he was not a Levite. By denying the priest, Saul disregarded the necessity of man to have a mediator between himself and God. Man needs a mediator. The Old Testament priest was a type for the Lord Jesus Christ, and Saul in essence said, "I can come to God without a priest".

But we have a GREAT High Priest (Hebrews 4:14) who has passed through the heavens. Our Great high Priest only had to offer one sacrifice. His sacrifice is all-sufficient. His ministry is everlasting. He is blameless both as priest and sacrifice. His worship comes from one with clean hands and pure heart (Psalm 24).

We have a beautiful savior. Our Worship is always in Spirit and Truth when it is found in this Great High Priest (John 4).

Jun 16, 2008

Church Segmentation - Part 7 "Let's...It will bring them in..."

I talk to many pastors, believer friends who talk about using emotional means to bring 'em in...

  • "Let's have a hip hop night
  • "Let's have some food"
  • "Let's have a youth outing to Great America...",
  • "Let's talk about relevant issues..."
  • "Let's have a big name speaker or artist come in..."
These things will really, "bring 'em in..."

So how would you feel if at your birthday party or an event that was meant to celebrate you that, the organizer felt like they had to find a gimmick to attract people to come? I know if the party were for me, I would rather not have the event. If my friends didn't want to come, just for me, then I would rather not have the event at all.

Today, well meaning believers are using gimmicky approaches to attract the masses.

Christ never did this. He never used the old bait and switch to get people to follow Him. In fact, when Jesus sensed that people were coming due to the miracle rather than the miracle worker, he often refused to do a work. When the miracle over shadowed the messenger, Christ never did a miracle to satisfy the crowd's thirst for "wow factor". (John 6)

Let God arise and leave the gimmicks alone.

News today, Gone tomorrow

The death of Tim Russert seemed unexpected to many. Of course to God, it was not unexpected. The Father always knew the date, time and second Tim Russert would die. But I found it interesting how literally the day before Tim Russert died, he was reporting the news. A day later, he was the news.

Life is fleeting. We could all die any day, any hour, any minute. The time we have is precious. Not necessarily because we are precious but because Christ is precious. Christ died that we might have abundant life. The abundant life is that spent enjoying, learning, and obeying Christ. It is in this zoe life that we will never die. What a shame it is that many believers die, while wasting their times on earth doing things that are mundane, self-seeking and vain. Let's live in zoe life now. Let us serve the Lord Christ fully, wholeheartedly and consistently - with no regrets for how we lived.

Jun 13, 2008

Worship is an Offering...but how?

So if worship is an offering, does it matter how it is offered? Does God receive any offering from any person? Can an unbeliever in the Lord Jesus Christ, one who does not receive Him as the raised-from-the-dead, living, Son of God, deity Messiah...can he or she worship God?

Does it matter if worship is not presented in Christ? He says that He is looking for true worshipers, those who will worship in Spirit and Truth. So what does this mean?

If worship is an offering, we must understand how it must be offered. I am interested in your biblical, Christ-focused comments on this topic.

Christ is all.

Jun 9, 2008

What does it Mean to be Filled with the Spirit? - Part 1

So here is a common phrase used in the scriptures and in contemporary church culture: be filled with the Spirit. I hear people say this all the time, but what exactly do we mean when we use this phrase? I have found that people of differing backgrounds use "filled with the Spirit", differntly.

Some will not use it at all for of being categorized with a group they do not admire. Others use it all the time. So what exactly does this phrase mean? How is it used in the scriptures? What is God's intent in allowing and chosing to fill people with His Spirit?

We will explore this topic during the next few months, but for starters, post a response and let me know what you think the phrase means...

Christ is all.

Jun 6, 2008

The Christ Campaign

Americans are currently cheering John McCain and Barack Obama. On earth, they currently are in the running to lead the most powerful nation on earth. But just like other powerful world leaders like Alexander the Great, Caesar Augustus, Napoleon, Constantine, the Kings of England, The Czars, the great Emperors of Japan -- they will all die. Their, thrones (power and authority), Kingdoms (span of authority) and lives (ability to rule) will all come to an end.

The campaign we support is for the Lord Jesus Christ. It is HIS Kingdom. HE is the King. He is the ruling sovereign. All that we do is aimed at acknowledging, obeying, submitting to, enjoying and falling in line with His Kingdom.

So then...

  • What are the priorities of this Kingdom?
  • How are decisions made? Who makes the decisions?
  • How is Justice administered? Who writes the laws? Is there a congress?
  • Is voting allowed? How does this Kingdom come into power?
  • What is the lifestyle honored by this King?
  • What kind of honor does this King require and deserve?
  • What makes this King unique beyond other kings?
His Kingdom is not of this world, but it does contain this World. His Kingdom is not of this present age, but it will stand in judgment of this present age.

Christ's Kingdom will never end. He is the King who will never die. He rules a Kingdom that cannot be defeated. His campaign will require no Human affirmation. It will stand no human or spiritual (demonic) threats. He will not be voted in, but the King of Glory Shall come in. He will simply return and crush all of His rivals and Reign forever.

Jesus, come soon!

Jun 4, 2008

Churches Segmentation, Part 6 - Politically-Centric Church

In recent days, much has been made of Michael Pfleger's speech about Hillary Clinton. Basically Pflager accuses Hillary of expecting the nomination for the Presidency because she deserved it due to her political pedigree and race.

Why is everyone so surprised at this type of speech? As a former member of the AME Church, I heard this type of "preaching" my entire childhood. Nothing Pleger said was a surprise to me. Whether Focus on the Family or Trinity United Church of Christ, the emphasis of these ministries is, politics not Christ.

Ashamedly, many of those who lead these organizations continue to teach their followers to place their hopes in men, political processes and parties rather than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will soon rule and reign on an eternal throne. This type of teaching goes beyond the purpose of the body of Christ. It is a form of Godliness, while denying its power (2 Timothy 3:5). "Churches" that teach political hero worship have, "exchanged the Truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creator rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 1:25).

I ask that the Lord would come soon and set right the nations who defy Him. Just like the Israelites, man always desires a Saul in lieu of a Messiah. May the Messiah come and set up His kingdom - Soon.


Jun 2, 2008

Christ-style Discipleship

Luke 14:26 reads...
If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.


John 15:18
If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.


John 6:67, Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?"

Have you noticed how the Lord Jesus is very forward, transparent and direct about the cost of discipleship?

There is a current movement in the body of Christ that focuses on the importance of discipleship. This is a good thing. The emphasis is on the fact that our Lord wants more than to create believers but rather that he demands discipleship. He wants us to become learners of Him alone.

20th Century American church thought places the onus on the teacher. However, the Lord Jesus Christ expected a lot out of the disciple. He simply presented teaching, taught His thinking, led the way and expected those who would follow to follow. He would restore if necessary, but He did not spend a lot of time attempting to convince others to follow him if they desired the World.

How bad do we want HIM? How much do we want to become a disciple of Christ? Ask the Lord Jesus to help you to evaluate your heart for Him as His disciple. May the we be unashamed, unhindered, "sold-out" disciples of Christ.

May 30, 2008

I need A provider

I work at Abbott Laboratories y'all. I am thankful for my job. I don't really like it alot, but I enjoy it about as much as a believer can enjoy a secular job. My work is vanity, but it enables me to do the things that God would have me to do with money.

But although I have a job, I still need a provider. God is a provider - a job can never provide for my needs. Christ is our eternal YHWH Jireh. He IS our provision.

The rock the Israelites drank from was Christ (I Corinthians 10:4). He IS the rock and the water. He IS the provider and the provision. HE is the source and the substance. The Lord Jesus Christ, not Moses was the source of their life. Don't get it twisted, even when Moses sinned and hit the rock, the Lord still gave the water. Moses was an instrument of provision, but not the source...

I have a job, but I need a provider. Lord Jesus, thank you for being what I need, even before I know I need it. You were the Lamb before I was even born!

Worship is fun

Why are we so glum sometimes about Worship? I am an elder at my local assembly. One of my primary roles is leading the music ministries and leading the time of worship on Sunday. In that role, you get such an interesting perspective.

When you are facing the congregation, sometimes you find yourself looking at the people's faces in the congregation. Some people are staring into space, others are texting someone, many are singing (albeit with a discontented look on their faces), while still more look bored out of their minds. Is really how people look when they are enjoying themselves.

We are to worship in Spirit and in Truth - but worship ought not be regimented and forced.

I love my wife. I like spending time with her. I like talking with her, going to dinner with her. I think she is an engaging person. I have decided to share my life on this earth with her. But what if when I was with her, I looked as if I was not enjoying myself? You see, when I am enjoying myself, you know it. It is obvious in my mannerisms, my facial expressions, my countenance. When we our guilty, our countenance witnesses against us (Isaiah 3:9). In the same way, when we do not enjoy God, it shows on our faces.

I mean -- do we really like God? Do we really enjoy Christ. I am not encouraging you to act like you like God, but simply that you learn Him. As you learn the Lord Jesus Christ you will grow to like Him in your heart. Then your worship countenance will demonstrate that spending time singing to, honoring and focusing on the Godhead really is fun.

May 24, 2008

Church Segmentation, Part 5 - Sin based "ministry"

The bible is the most relevant book in the world; it is the most influential and practical thing that has ever been written. But although it is practical, it does not approach life and practice the way men do.

Men usually focus on solving problems. The central message of the scriptures is to direct us to a perfect man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes - the scriptures do provide us with specific, practical information about how to correct us, reprove us and change us. But the focus is always helping us to focus, learn and behave like the perfect man, the Jesus. So if the central message of scripture and life is the God-man Jesus Christ, why do we always try to grow by correcting our own sin? I think it is because we are human.

There is a current movement in American Christianity to segment believers by their type of sin problem. We have divorce recovery ministries, substance abuse ministries, every man's battle (pornography), and battered women's ministry. At one Chicago church, there is even a ministry for homosexuals (unfortunately this church actually does not teach that homosexuality is sin, so I guess, theoretically don't fall into the "sin-ministry" category). The basic thesis is, that if we better understand our sin patterns, we can fix the problems that entangle us.

This thesis is a lie. First of all it fails to understand our common enemy, the devil. He has always lied to us and has always used the same tactics to entrap men. Secondly, and more importantly, it fails to understand our common solution, namely CHRIST Himself. For "great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, Received up in glory." (1 Timothy 3:16).

Jesus IS our Godliness!

He is our righteousness. He is our WAY out. He is our ability to live like Him. What we need ultimately is to gaze, stare at, consider, learn, meditate, rest, trust, obey and abide in HIM. This is how we grow and live. Spending time attempting to better understand our sinful patterns is only a trick of the enemy. Getting together with people with the same problem with the devil, flesh and the world can be dangerous in that it can tempt us to continue the sin stronghold. Contemporary psychology uses this type of technology, but becoming like Christ is achieved by spending time with HIM. He alone can change our hearts and we need only to abide, learn and grow in HIM alone.

Don't believe the lie of sin. You don't need to understand your sin - only learn Christ's way of thinking for every situation. Trust in Christ's deliverance. Run from the flesh and seek Him when you are tempted. Rest in Him, enjoy Him, love Him and learn Him. Re-occupy your mind with the risen savior of Glory!

May 23, 2008

Blessed Hate Speech

In urban slang, the term, "hater" has been popularized. It is a noun that refers to someone who wants to discredit you, defame you or minimize your accomplishments. "Haters" are jealous people who would like to see you getting less, being less, or having less.

"Hate speech" is what the world calls any thing that is not tolerant, regardless of merit. In 21st century America, Hate speech can lead to fines or criminal action. For example, To call someone who is a homosexual a "sinner", could be deemed as "hate speech".

But let's take another look at the word "hate". I can think of two scriptural examples when hate is actually blessed and good.

As Chist-lovers, we are to hate those things that strap us to this earthly space and time. Christ commended the church of Ephesus because they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans (Rev 2:6). Or what about in Zechariah when our Lord says..." Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor; and do not love a false oath, for all these are things that I hate." (Zechariah, 8:17). In these cases we ought to hate these things because our Lord hates them too. So you can see how Hate is encouraged when it is in alignment with our Christ's thinking.

In the same way, hatred of us is expected when we behave like the Lord. Jesus said, "Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you..."(Luke 6:22). In Truth we are blessed when we are in the world's hatred. God is pleased with us when we are hated for the reason of being identified with his Son; in essence we are blessed while reviled. This type of hatred lets us know we are acting like our great High Priest, King, Savior and Brother Jesus Christ. The corollary can also be argued, namely that when the world loves us, we are not looking like Christ (Luke 6:26).

I don't desire to be hated, but I do desire to look like Christ. So bring the haters on!

May 20, 2008

I will Bless the Lord at All Times

My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; humble shall hear of it and be glad. I had a great time in worship with the saints of God this weekend. An awesome time of singing, considering, blessing and speaking of the Lord's goodness. He is great and greatly to be praised.

There are so many things we could boast in, but none of them are valid boasts. We could boast in position, our money, our looks, our intelligence. But all of this is vanity. But to boast in the Lord. In the Grace we have received from HIM. This is a great thing. Our soul longs to have a true "boast", and it often seeks to speak of greatness in the wrong object. By boasting in the wrong things, we find emptiness. But when we boast in the Lord, or in our own weaknesses, we find strength. For even when we boast in HIM in our weakness, HE is made strong.

Our God is an awesome God. Worthy of boasting, praise, preeminence. May the Lord Jesus Christ be blessed at all times.

May 18, 2008

Lucy and a pocket knife

I went to go see Prince Caspian with my wife this weekend. The second installment of the Hollywood version of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia was very entertaining - I enjoyed it.

My favorite part in Prince Caspian is a scene toward the end of the movie. The other child kings are struggling to fight their enemy. while Lucy, representing sincere, childlike faith heads out to meet her savior companion, Aslan the Lion (Aslan is Lewis' Christ figure in Narnia).

When Lucy returns she comes face to face with the enemy army at a great river. At first you only see Lucy, facing the enemy army, seemingly alone. She pulls out a pocket knife in the face of a powerful enemy. Her enemy has soldiers, spears, arrows and horses, but Lucy stands confident, unafraid, and undaunted at the edge of the river. Why? She is not alone. Aslan is with her.

We ought to have Lucy-like faith. She was willing to take on an army of enemy warriors with a pocket knife as long as Aslan is by our side. Our Lord Jesus Christ IS by our side. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we may ask or think. He is our true Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and even in the midst of temptation, persecution and struggles, He is able to keep us and strengthen us with His power and life.

Give me Jesus and a pocket knife! Our Christ is all.

May 17, 2008

Consistant Agape

John 14:15 reads, "If you love me you will keep my commands".

Here keep means to observe, to guard, to carefully attend to. This is how God himself defines love. It is the consistent willingness to obey, follow his Word. To truly treasure his character and commands in the heart and to attentively seek to keep it consistently and without compromise.

So then, when I am loving God, He is looking for a heart that is constantly bent toward himself. As I love my neighbors, He is looking for consistent willingness to interact with, love and care for my neighbor in accordance with the commands of scripture. As we keep his "commands", we are not merely attending to an impersonal set of rules or laws. Rather, we are personifying the mind of God. We are actualizing the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are laying hold to his Life, his Truth and his Ways.

If we Love God, we must carefully attend to His Word. And His Word IS the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us consider and obey the Living Word who is God in who became a man, the Lord Jesus Christ.