Jul 11, 2008

Everything Jesus gives is Free - Part 1

Have you ever considered that the Lord Jesus never charges for anything. He does not connect a cost to the things he provides for us. He freely gives (Revelation 21:6. Romans, 8:32, Matthew 10:8)

We have been saved by grace through faith, not of ourselves. It was not through our works that he has saved us, but because of his free gift unto us (Ephesians 2:8). God operates with us by giving what He wants to give freely. I can think of at least two reasons why this is so.

No Glory for Us
If the gift cost us something, we would eventually boast about it. In other words, if we paid for we would ascribe a measure of deservedness, glory or praise to our selves. Think about how man operates. The pride of life. The lust of the eyes. Men love to tell others about how much they paid for things. They enjoy the status that comes along with high cost goods. Man almost always sees his own glory in that which he has bought. So God does not allow us to share in His glory by

No Price Would be High Enough
The things God gives us cannot be paid for. They represent the infinite value of an infintely holy savior and King. Christ's death for us cannot be paid for. By adding any human price to His gift we would be cheapening the value of his gift.

No One would be able to pay
If God's gifts toward us were based on our ability to pay, no one would be able to pay it. Man could not do enough, save enough or pay enough to interact with an infinite God.

The God-Man Jesus the Christ is our only mediator to God. He paid an infinite price and is a perfect man. Thus God must engage with man only through His Son. I have more to say about this topic, but will save it until the next installment.

Christ is all!

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