Apr 25, 2008

No Justice on Earth

My dad was a police officer. I have a high degree of respect for the profession. I believe that Christians should pray for and honor the authorities God has allowed to reign over us. But some events make it clear that humans are unable to appropriately and consistently administer justice. This week's trial of a New York bachelor who was gunned down on his wedding day was stunning. The guy was at a strip club, a misunderstanding ensued and he was shot dead by a group of undercover police officers. In fact he was shot 16 times. However, the police officers claimed that they did not know the man was unarmed and were acquitted earlier today.

We expect the government to serve in a just manner. In fact, as earthly governments go, the United States may be relatively considered as one of the more fair court systems internationally (in the 21st century that is), however when men exclude God we find it impossible to understand what effective ruling is.

We will be redeemed by a righteous judge. When our righteous judge takes the throne, he will accurately judge men. Not only by their works, but He will also judge their hearts. He will judge us according to our motive and will have full knowledge of our thoughts and actions. He will even understand our motives for doing good. By justice He will punish the wicked. By grace He will grant mercy to the undeserving. And when He rules we will be able to say there is justice on earth.

As for now, we have to deal with the despair of living in a world that loves darkness.

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