Mar 31, 2008

You supposed to be dead and The Spirit is the prime suspect

In this walk we are dead to sin. But then why do we strive to so quickly live therein?

Our life in Christ is a battle to constantly put to death thinking patterns, strongholds, rebellions, habits, behaviors that seek to resurrect the old man. Isn't my old man dead by the Spirit in Christ? Hasn't Christ put to death the evil deeds of the old man?

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has traded beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3). We have received righteousness in the Lord Jesus Christ - He IS our righteousness (Rom 5:21, Philippians 3:9). By the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). I know in my own life, I struggle to try to put these deeds to death by my own flesh. While my flesh can maintain an unspiritual "righteousness" according to the flesh, this power to put to death the deeds of the body must be accomplished by the Spirit. My own efforts cannot kill the flesh, I cannot do it. I cannot be dead to the body unless the Spirit is the one who does the job.

But don't worry -- It's not a murder. Your flesh deserves to be dead, all it has done is reap the sin that deserves death. So if the Spirit has killed the flesh, it is well deserved. In fact, it is necessary. For if we live according to the flesh, we will die, but if by the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the body we will live -- oh what a promise that is found in HIM (Summary of Romans 8:13)

May my flesh be put to death by the Spirit to the end that I might be conformed to the image of the blessed Son of God.

You supposed to be dead

The Lord Jesus Christ hates Mindless Anthropocentric "Art"

My sister Blair Wingo spit this at an event out west. As a reformed Afrocentrist, I truly appreciate this poem. Check it and give Christ alone glory.


Mar 28, 2008

To Heal the Brokenhearted

He has sent me to heal the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the Console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:1b, 3


The Laying Aside

I have a lot of stuff lodged in my basement. For example, I still have a collection of old Stevie Wonder cassettes (no LPs thank you). I have old books I bought and studied while in graduate school, none of which I still use today. My wife has gotten me out of the habit of saving old clothes, I give those away more quickly now. But I still have a tendency to want to keep or hold on to things I don't need.

1 Peter 2:1-3 reads..."Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, a newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious."

In the Christ-walk there is always a "laying aside" before there is a desire for Christ or a "putting on" (Ephesians 4:22, Romans 13:12). We must actively lay aside these speech patterns, thought patterns and desires for a new desire - namely our Lord and Christ. He is the pure milk of the Word that is worth being desired. This will not happen passively but requires a willingness to toss out, throw away or "cast off" the things that are not like Him.

Lord Jesus, gives us hearts as babes. Hearts that desire the purity that is YOU. Lord gives us hearts that reflect on your attributes, your person if indeed we have tasted that you are loving, gracious and merciful. Amen.

Christ is all.

Mar 26, 2008

Abide Today

Make this a Lord Jesus Christ abiding day (John 5:4-9). May the Word of Christ dwell richly in you today (Col 3:16).

Rest in Him. Enjoy Him. Meditate on His word. If you have to work today, do it as unto the Lord. Meditate on the word today. Listen to music that edifies your soul in Him. Sing songs in your heart today that glorify Him.

Worship Him in the beauty of Holiness. Desire that His name alone would be praised. Fellowship with other believers today. Pray for the saints in need. Pray for missionaries who need support, guidance, and spiritual help. Pray for the persecuted church abroad. Give of yourself, your time, your money to exalt the person of Jesus Christ and edify the body. Call some you know is depressed to exhort them.

Share the gospel with someone who does not know him. Passionately share the gospel with an interest in the unbelieving person's soul and the Lord Jesus Christ's Kingdom.

Make this a Lord Jesus Christ abiding day.

Mar 25, 2008

Hard as Nails - Justin Fatica's Radical Ministry

I am so encouraged by this ministry. It is led by a "Catholic" brother in Christ. Hard as Nails is a ministry aimed at exalting the Lord Jesus Christ through radical, authentic Christ focus. Check out the video and be edified. You may not agree with all of his tactics, but it is so rare that you see a young ministry sold out in this way...I find it encouraging.

Hard as Nails Ministry - Justin Fatica

Christ is all!

Mar 24, 2008

Christian Pragmatism

Worldly Pragmatism and the Wisdom of Men often cloak themselves as THE Wisdom of God.

The world says, "the ends justify the means", whereas in Christ, the WAY is always as important as the ends. Church growth may be the true American Idol as churches seek to grow by any means necessary. I passionately believe that the body of Christ should be missions minded, evangelistic and concerned for the lost, but many churches have gone astray and sought the world's means of attraction, multiplication and increase rather than Christ's approach to church growth. Through the use of music, entertainment, needs-based ministry, and segmentation methods, we have sought to expand the church much like a business seeks to increase market share.

Have we forgotten that God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7-8)? Have we forgotten that we must decrease and He must increase (John 3:30). True church growth is up to the Lord Jesus Christ. All He needs is faithful laborers (Matthew 9:37-38), not a different message or approach that emphasized communication style and emphasizing felt needs over the Word of God and the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The person of Jesus Christ, His Christ-hood, Deity, Death, and Bodily Resurrection and grace through the Holy Spirit is sufficient to bring many souls to Himself.

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the only message the Holy Spirit is interested in spreading.

Check out this video. Christian Pragmatism

Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama and Other False Teachers

The current controversy surrounding Barack Obama and his Pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, is quite fascinating. Even a fallen, Man-centered, unspiritual world has its consciences pricked by some of the rhetoric, hatred and hypocrisy that comes from the pulpit at "Trinity Church of Christ".

The is a misnomer to refer to this local social group as "Tritarian", "A Church" or "of Christ", for it is neither Worshiping the Triune God, functioning as a Body submitted to the Head (Christ) or teaching things that are according to or "of" Christ.

Jeremiah Wright is just another run-of-the-mill false teacher. Man is emphasized over Christ, the Sctiptures are used only as sermon content not as the errorless word of God and God is made into the image of man. As believers let us be ready to quickly re-center a dying, politic crazed world on the true King everlasting, the Lord Jesus Christ!

Check out this video excerpt that outlines the church's doctrinal statement.

TCC Doctrinal Statement on Fox.

Power to Lay It Down

In John 10:18, Jesus speaks...

No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.

Jesus is the only man born apart from Sin. Adam was created, the first man, Holy - Free from Sin. Jesus was Born apart from Sin by the Holy Spirit (not born of Adam, but His Father was God). As a Man who was free from Sin, He then led a sinless life. Jesus had the power to "Lay His Life down". None of us could simply decide to "Lay down" our life by our own will. Some may take their own lives by force, but Jesus had power to "lay it down."

Consider this unique power in relation to His passion. Jesus willingly accepted the suffering that came by Will of the Father on the Cross. He willingly stayed on the cross through pain, reproach, extreme suffering, the emotion and soul suffering of being "made sin" (2 Corinthians 5:21). And yet, he willingly stayed on the cross. Because He was perfect and apart from Sin, He could not die. Death comes through Sin and Jesus was sinless. He became sin, but had no sin of His own responsibility. Just as a blameless Lamb is slain to atone for sins, Jesus was the sinless sacrifice provided for the sins of all mankind (1 Peter 3:18) -- but He Himself was (and is) free from Sin.

He had to die on His own accord. He willingly stayed on the cross through the suffering, although He possessed "power to lay it down". Jesus did not bleed to death, He did not suffocate, Jesus did not die from the wounds He received for death was not in Him. He became sin and laid his life down for the Sheep (John 10:15). Only after it was finished did he commit his spirit to His Father's Hands (John 19:30).

Mar 20, 2008

The Law of your mouth: Reflections on Psalm 119:72

Consider Psalm 119:72: The law of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Let us juxtapose these two desires. On the one hand we have "thousands of coins of gold and silver." Our salaries, our riches, our savings, our investments... We naturally desire riches. No one has to teach a young man or woman to desire such things. At a young age, we realize that in order to buy things, we need riches. Our sinful nature thinks..."Happiness = stuff = riches, therefore riches = happiness...let me get more riches". I remember a few months ago a young child of a friend of ours was at the house. She say a bunch of change on a table, grabbed it and started to put it into her pocket. Only about 2 1/2 years of age she said, "my money". Never mind the fact that you don't have to teach a young child to steal (we get all of these proclivities from the fall, but that is for another sermon), but the fact that at such a young age she desired money -- this is a symptom of our wickedness.

So from a young age we desire things. But as believers, we have come to know a "thing" that is better than "all things", namely the maker of all things, God Himself. The Law of Your Mouth. Whether in the Law, the prophets, the writings, the gospels, the acts, the epistles or the revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ IS the Word (John 1:1). To desire "the Law" is to desire Him. He is forever the Law of God, spoken, proclaimed and unique. We have learned in Him that He is more desirable than Thousands of coins of gold and silver.

Let us live in such a way that demonstrates His superiority to these things.
Do not expect such desired to die away easily. We must put them to death; crucifying the old man, living in the New man that is Jesus Christ. Let us find creative ways to demonstrate to HIM that He is more important than our things. Let us find ways to distance ourselves from our things as our desire for HIM alone is magnified in our hearts.

Mar 15, 2008

Anthropocentric Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry today is increasingly Anthropocentric. Anthro = man, Centric = central. Man is in the central. Although the focus ought to be the Lord and Savior, in an effort to become more relevant often the emphasis shifts to (our worst enemy) ourselves.

I was just looking at a promotional brochure for a national youth training event that has local chapters in different cities. As I was reviewing the event brochure and advertising I noticed something; or maybe I should say I didn't notice something.

There was no mention of Jesus.

Titles included sessions like..."Making your Youth Ministry Relevant, Reaching the Hip Hop Influenced Generation, Midriffs, Myspace & More: Engaging a Plugged-in Generation, Rebuilding the Fatherless Generation." Compare this to how the scriptures teach about effective ministry. You wont go more than two verses in a new testament epistle before you come across the terms, "Lord", "God", "Spirit", "He", "Jesus" or "Christ" pertaining to our infinitely worthy savior. The Godhead is always prominent and the Lord Jesus Christ is always exalted as the example we should pattern our lives after; He is the Author of our faith (Hebrews 5:9 and 12:2).

So we find this pattern in the Word of God; We learn how to be Christ-like not by studying men, but by studying Christ. Just as Moses, Peter, John, Isaiah or Paul were changed by simply viewing this matchlessly glorious Christ, let us to learn to focus, study and consider the Lord Jesus Christ deeply, directly, and diligently. Fixing our eyes on the savior ultimately shows me that I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, but that our Lord Jesus Christ is able to justify, sanctify and glorify me by His touch.

For insights from a youth ministry that strives to elevate Christ check out this article from The Yunion.

Mar 14, 2008

Generic God

Have you ever noticed how sometimes people use the term "God" but other times they will specifically refer to "Jesus". I fully believe that our God is Triune in Nature. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are forever to be praised. But I think that it is also important for believers to clearly delineate their belief in Jesus as the Son of God.

What defines our belief is that we believe that Jesus is Yahweh -- Jesus is Lord -- Jesus is God. But I find that people often retreat to a generic term "God". Am I being cynical here, or do some find it shameful to identify directly with Jesus the Christ. Most religions believe in some sort of "God-figure". Muslims, Jews, Hindus may all speak of God or Gods.

But we do not believe in a Generic "god". We trust in a personal, unique God found as, in and through Jesus the Christ. When one speaks specifically of Jesus as the Lord, a clear picture is painted regarding the personality, nature, statements, attributes and essence of God. Imagery about a man hanging on a cross comes to mind. Associations are made between the term "God" (vague, undefined, broadly described) and a specific, person who is the exact representation of the Father, namely Jesus Christ.

We worship a name brand savior, so let us speak specifically, not generically about our God. We believe in YHWH, triune, revealed in the person of the only unique Son, Jesus the Christ.

Mar 11, 2008

Church Segmentation

Have you noticed that the church has taken on many marketing techniques? In the past I have worked close the world of marketing, so I am familiar with Marketing approaches and strategies.

In the past 25-30 years, marketing has consistently used a practice called segmentation. Basically, what that means is that you take an entire group of people (market) and divide them into sub-categories based on their buying and behavioral characteristics. For example, Young Women between the ages of 18-25 who live in Suburbia -- that may be considered a "segment". Or middle age white men between the ages of 45-60 could be considered a "segment" (there is much more we can say about this but this is not my point).

Have you noticed that within the last 20 years, Church's have used segmentation? Now of course there is some element of "segmentation" in the scriptures. For example, older women are to teach the older women how to love their husbands and children, to be busy at home, etc (Titus 2:34-5). But this seems to be more intentional and to go beyond what the scripture teaches. We have a number of specific ministries that seem to divide the church according to 1) felt need, 2) age; 3) gender; and 4) interest.

Singles ministries, hip hop youth ministries, married couples retreats, family-centered teachings, wealth building seminars, worship conferences, radio ministry cruises, African American Sunday school lessons, Women's study bibles. The church has attempted to segment according to meet need, but has this segmentation turned into fracturing? Have we become to anthropocentric rather than Centered on our savior who is Christ?

I am interested in your thoughts here. I have more to say in subsequent blogs, but for now, let's discuss in an interest of dwelling and reasoning together on-line in Jesus.

Christ is all.

Mar 7, 2008

The Self-existent one

Nothing in our world is self-existent. Seasons change, people age, animals grow and then die. We try to define the age of rocks, soil, and trees - because we know nothing but a reality that is rooted in finite time. We know no other thing in this creation that is not impacted by the constant reality of time. In fact, I cannot even imagine a thing that is not impacted by time -- this is how pervasive it is to our concept of reality.


Our Lord is not defined by time. If history is the study of things that happened in the past, can we even speak of the history of God? Does a being that has no beginning even have a history? Does the one who has no end have a future? He simply IS. He is the self-existent one. The Great I AM. He is the ancient of days "without genealogy having neither beginning of days or end of life, but made like the Son of God" (Hebrews 7:3). In this sense, we can say Jesus our Lord has no history, no true family genealogy with respect to his "Sonness".

Consider with awe, this Son of God with no end, no beginning, no origination, no starting point, no middle-point...HE simply IS.

Christ is all.

Mar 6, 2008

Pimpin Pastors (2) - 16 Bars Shai Linne's Response

Peep this video of 16 bars from Shai Linne's. The empahsis is 1 Timothy 6:9-10.

Numbered among the Transgressors (2)

Note the irony and beauty of Isaiah 53:12b, "and he was numbered with the Transgressors".

Christ was punished alongside those whom had sinned against HIM. Although Christ was living in the days of His flesh, He never ceased to be fully God. The Son being bruised for the sins of those who sinned against Him while those who sinned against Him were in the midst of Him!

Whether the criminals on the crosses on either side of Him, Simon of Cyrene who helped carry Christ's Cross, the Jews who hurled insults at Him, the Romans who nailed Him to the tree, Pilate who sentenced Him, the disciples who forsook Him, or the women who mourned for Him; Christ was dying for the sins of those who were in the midst of HIM.

Who knew that day that they were witnessing was an act being done in obedience to the Father but on their behalf?

We truly serve an awesome God. Our Christ was numbered among Transgressors (on the Cross), and also was found in flesh among Transgressors (all men). He did this that we might have Life in HIM.

Christ is all!

Mar 5, 2008

Pimpin Pastors (1)

What does a pimp do?
He uses a woman - a human being - and treats her as merchandise. He uses the woman, calls her a "ho", puts her out there without any protection while failing to prepare her for the harsh realities of the street. At the end of the night he collects his money and beats her up if she doesn't have it. He wears fur coats, drives big cars and wears bling on his wrist and fingers while his "hos" work the street.

The sad thing is, these victimized young women think their pimps care about them, but really the pimp is only using her for his own needs.

We have a lot of pastors out here that are pimping their own flocks. They have taken the people they have been given to protect and have given them a message that does not protect them from the evil one. A message of peace and prosperity that does not protect them from this world's demonic influences, flesh and their own sin.

Pimpin Pastors are getting paid. They are selling a gospel of money instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, when will those in these churches wake up and realize that they are being pimped. In this video interview, even the world believes these things are extravagant. It is sad when the world knows that this work is not Christ-like.

The good shepherd "gives his life for his sheep" (John 10:11).

Christ is all!

Numbered among the Transgressors (1)

Consider this verse: "...and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. (Isaiah 53:12b).

Jesus was "numbered" among the transgressors. He was considered and punished as a sinner, an infidel, a revolutionary, one with no respect for authority. He was bruised as if He had broken the law of Rome and the Law of God. In fact, He was the writer of the Law of God and was being accused of being a law-breaker a "transgressor".

When carnal man came face-to-face with the only man that had actually kept the law, the only one who was actually perfect, he decided that This man (Jesus the Christ) was deserving of death. Jesus was thrown into the heap with other criminals. He was considered just another inmate; just another convict with an excuse. In fact, His case didn't even make it to the supreme court of Ceasar. He was handled locally as an everyday criminal and crucified with two other transgressors.

Our Savior the Lord Jesus truly suffered humiliation as He completed this perfect work.

Mar 3, 2008

Our God lives forevermore, this "God" has retired

I found this short article about a Buddhist, Hindi "goddess". It reports the story about the recent "retirement" of a Buddhist child "Goddess". In this tradition they go through a process to identify one whom they believe is the reincarnation of an ancient goddess and view her as a "living goddess". I think the most demonic line is in the end when a relative says "we are trying to find a replacement for Sajani". Just another God defined by men, chosen by men and worshipped by men. And after tall of that, she can simply decide to "retire" and no longer be a "goddess".

Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who forever lives to make intercession for us. He is the Ancient of Days without beginning or ending. The Author and Finisher of our Faith.

Mar 2, 2008

The Centrality of the Gospel in the Christ-life

The Gospel is not just a topic that is a part of our Christian Conversion. But rather, the events of the Gospel center our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ's work of salvation for our entire lives. This Gospel we Preach is that Jesus of Nazareth...

  • is the Christ, the prophesied Messiah of the World
  • is God who became a man. He is the Son of God, God's unique Son and is truly God. The God-Man
  • died for our sins according to the scriptures
  • is raised from the dead bodily
This gospel is the foundation of our walk in Him. All sound doctrine is in line (either directly or indirectly) with this Good News toward us. Check out Shai Linne's interview about his new CD "The Atonement" . The Atonement focuses plainly and solely on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

And, "
Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel" (2 Timothy 2:8).

Mar 1, 2008

Al-Jazeera on the Evangelization and eventual Christification of Africans

I found this report very encouraging. It is a negative report from Al-Jazeera re: the advance of Christ in Africa. Pray that Africa continues to come to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Al-Jazeera on Evangelism of Muslims

The Priest and The Lamb

Sometimes when I think about it, I can't believe the extent of our Lord's sacrifice.
Jesus, the Son of God is our Great High Priest. He has offered the true sacrifice - Himself - in the heavenly sanctuary. A satisfying sacrifice prepared and offered for God Himself. All that Christ did in His Passion to prepare and offer Himself as a ransom for many is THE Good and Perfect work.

He is not only the Great High Priest, but He is also the Lamb. So then, how can He be both the Priest who gives and the Lamb who is given? How can the Son of God be both the Offering and the Offerer. I enjoy the amazement and wonder that comes from pondering such things!

He is Truly the Child that Was Born (a man) and the Son that is Given (God the Son).
Our savior is typified in Isaac, the one who allows His Father to sacrifice Him, for it is written pleased the Lord to bruise Him.

May we now live in submission, pursuing the likeness and the life of this Great Savior, Jesus our Great High Priest and the Lamb of God!

Mahalia Jackson would not compromise

A friend sent me this story about Mahalia Jackson. I know that some may have had issues with other elements of Sister Jackson's life, but one interesting point is that her husband divorced her over her unwillingness to become a blues singer. Louis Armstrong and her husband Isaak Hockenhull are both noted to have tried to persuade Mahalia to forsake her emphasis on ministry in the church to "make some real green" as a blue singer. Mahalia was a big enough international star to have made a lot of money as a "crossover singer", but she always refused. She turned down parts in plays, roles with big bands and tours with famous Jazz artists because, in her own words she was "Reborn".

We need more saints who love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more than the world and its temporary riches.