It truly is amazing how foolish we are as humans. We try the same things in different generations.
Feb 28, 2008
If Jesus hadn't changed me, I would still be buying books like...
Go to HIM Outside the Camp
The world considers Christians to be fools.
I have some family members who are unbelievers. In fact they are atheists/agnostics. Sometimes when I spend time with them they make fun of believers who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as He is portrayed in the scriptures. A few months while having dinner one of them said..."I actually had one of these kids in my class who believes in creation and the biblical account of the world..." to which the rest of the table chuckled in agreement. In a quick moment of faith I responded..."that is EXACTLY what I believe."
It is a blessing when we are counted as foolish, naive and unwise by the world, for the gospel in Christ is foolishness to men, but it is the WISDOM of God.
Consider these passages....
Lev 24:23
Then Moses spoke to the Israelites, and they took the blasphemer outside the camp and stoned him. The Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses.
Numbers 12:15 - So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back.
Outside the Camp was the location of the reproach of sin. Under law, sinners were bannished to outside the camp where they received shame, reproach and often the punishment that came with sin.
But then, consider this passage...
Hebrews 13:13 - Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.
We should be willing and eager to suffer any reproach or disgrace that is hurled on our savior by the world. Let us accept the rejection of the world, because we await a an "enduring city...that is to come".
Feb 26, 2008
What does Barack Obama have to do with Jesus?
So what exactly does Barack Obama have to do with Jesus? How does Barack represent the Kingdom of Christ? How does his campaign reflect the person of Jesus? I don't know the answer to this question, but it seems that Barack is very popular in the black community. Perhaps it is pride of race. But I will say this. This video connects John P. Kee with Barack Obama. I don't understand the fascination of churches with Barack. He may be a believer, but it is clear that he does not seem to espouse Christ-like values in many areas.
I only have on King. The Lord Jesus Christ. Barack can't save us from sin. If elected president, I only hope that he will simply allow believers to lead peaceful lives free from governmental interference. But if the Lord uses Him as a persecutor of the church, may we be faithful to the Cross of Christ!
the evil impact of sin
Sin has so many effects.
Feb 25, 2008
I am Sick of Snow, but I love Jesus
I live in Chicago -- and I am really sick of the snow. But a few days ago, I was reminded of this text, Genesis 8:22...
"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
YHWH promised to never destroy living creatures in this way again. Even though "every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood", God has shown us grace in the seasons. So, I hate the snow, but we should remember the Lord Jesus Christ...the promise of YHWH in the seasons. Christ made the seasons -- let's remember HIM...even while we are shoveling.
We need Fellowship in HIM
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
There is something special about fellowship in Christ.
This weekend I worked on Joshua Jeneration's new CD project with a few HHH artist friends of mine. We worked on music, talked about Jesus, ate food, challenged each other, discussed our shortcomings -- it was beautiful. I wish that my regular interactions during church were more like this time I shared with my brothers and sisters in Christ this weekend.
I need Lyve Martyr & Camp Liberation, Iomos Marad, Mahogany Jones, Joshua Jeneration, Christ Bible Church, Lord Jesus Christ Assembly, Tha House, Passion of the Christ Movement, J-Kwest, Mark Wright and Remnant, Kevin, Brandon, David, Mike Miller, Phil, Marvin Williams & Tabernacle Christian Church...All of our ministries need connection with each other on a regular basis. Not just talking, not just phone calls, not ritualistic religious rites, but fellowship directed at edification of the HIS body; fellowship concerning the Christ of the World.
Feb 22, 2008
My Growing Disdain for Gospel Music
I have a love hate relationship with Gospel Music.
I love the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I enjoy "Gospel" music as an art form. I love listening to foot-stompin', hand-clapping chords and beats. But I am concerned we are going in the wrong direction with respect to this Music we call traditional gospel as a Ministry. Traditional gospel is often more focused on presentation than purpose. Style over substance. Charismatic characters over the Christ.
I found this whole "performance" kind of strange.
Ricky Dillard at the Stellars.
As a music minister, I am often concerned that people are becoming attracted to me rather than Christ. I am sure any pastor or leader of a ministry often considers this. We as Jesus lovers should never let the the style of presentation overshadow the savior. We should never elevate any man over the message of the Cross. May Jesus be exalted that our Lord does not have to humble us; for He disciplines those He loves. May he increase as we decrease (John 3:30).
Christ is all.
I represent Jesus Christ
Peep my favorite poet and a blessed sister in Christ, Blair Wingo.
I can relate to this poem. Have any of you grown up bound in denominationalism, division, and man-centered religion. Check what Blair has to say about the only thing in this world worth representing.
I represent Jesus Christ
Christ is all,
Feb 21, 2008
I have no God
I believe agnosticism is the new atheism. "I just don't know" has replaced "I don't believe" in the post-modern mind.
I am in currently in France on business where I met a taxi driver from Algeria. He said his mother was Jewish and his father is Muslim. He concluded "I have no God". Strangely enough, he has a sister who is a Christ believer. He said he had studied the Torah, Quran and the Bible to conclude there really are no significant differences: Anyone who thinks this has missed the Lord Jesus altogether.
Christ is the message of the bible, and without HIM as the Key, it cannot be understood. I suppose that without guidance we alwould conclude there is no God...or atleast we would believe in the wrong one.
Feb 19, 2008
Castro will soon be dead
Fidel Castro is turning over the reigns of his military government to his brother (another dictator).
Castro will soon be dead. Another communist, anti-Christ non God honoring person will be dead. Was he able to defeat the cross -- no. Did the communist establishment eradicate the Lord's Gospel - no. In fact, it seems that lately the Gospel is increasing in influence in Castro's Cuba.
So then, what is the impact of a life lived for Communist, Anti-Christ tendencies. It is pure vanity. Castro espoused an ideology that he thought was full of hope and beauty, but He (like the others) will soon die realizing that any world view that does not include the one and only True God is an eternal failure.
Perhaps before He dies, Castro will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And then, HIS grace can be shown that even an anti-Christ, militaristic leader who has caused much division and bloodshed can be saved in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Wouldn't that be great?
He laid down His Life, Willingly
No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father." John 10:18.
Does this text tell us something about the unique ability and right given to the Son of God to "lay down his life". Jesus had the ability to "lay down his life". He did not die because of sin, but he "lay it down" willingly.
He also has the power to "take it up again". Resurrection power is granted by command of the Father to the Son. He alone has the power to lay it down and take it up again.
Christ is all!
Dead to Sin - Alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord
For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:10-11)
Dead equals non responsiveness.
Dead people can't answer, they can't breathe, they can't live or enjoy anything. They are uncommitted, non reactive...they can't be provoked. When you speak to a dead person, he does not answer. A dead person cannot see, he cannot taste, handle or touch. He cannot sense or have an opinion; he cannot debate with you or give an argument. The dead cannot move or revel in anything because there is no ability to activate or animate - He is dead.
We should be dead to Sin, but alive to God! Reacting to Christ, hearing Christ, thinking of Christ, seeing Christ Taste and See that the Lord is Good. Drink the living water; taste of the Bread of Life. Make melodies in your heart and let it overflow with a good theme (Ps 45:1) Our life should be in Christ - not in sin. We are dead to the World, but alive in CHRIST!
Feb 18, 2008
Black History Month in the Church? (message 1)
I love the History Channel. I don't know...I just love hearing about the stories that have shaped our current world situation.
The only problem is, I don't know if the history channel belongs in the Church. When we gather together, what ought to be our focus? Christ.
So, what does Black history month have to do with the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, perhaps, indirectly the Lord Jesus Christ can be glorified for delivering Africans from the oppression of White slave owners. He can be glorified for the men and women who believed on Him that came before us. Indirectly, we can praise the Lord Jesus Christ that we have "come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord".
Unfortunately, our focus on Black History usually takes our eyes off of Christ and onto ourselves.
- Do the scriptures emphasize deliverance from a worldly foe, or deliverance from sin?
- Does Christ ever emphasize ethnicity as a means of affection or appreciation?
- Do the scriptures encourage us to remember our ethnic differences or downplay them in the light of the Cross?
- Do the scriptures ask us to remember those who have gone before because of their accomplishments in the world or their acts of faith? (Hebrews 11)
7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:7-8)
I love the History Channel - but when we get History Channel at church, I quickly find myself thinking about Creation rather than the Creator. About the works of man rather than the Works of Christ. About earthly things rather than Heavenly purpose for my life. May Christ exclusively be glorified above every ethnicity He has made.
Christ is all!
Feb 15, 2008
the housing market is not my home
The housing market sucks. The Lord blessed us with a house last year. I am glad to be a home owner...or at least a "home payer backer" as I won't own the home (Lord willing) for nearly 30 years. But should I really care about a Home? No.
This world is not my home. Abraham dwelt in a tent, even though the Lord promised him a great inheritance. Jesus slept on hill tops and spent the night with friends. He didn't even bother to rent an apartment and was born in a barn. The apostle Paul did most of His best work as a teacher from a jail cell. He didn't need a cozy library, or study, but the Lord used Him just fine from a cell, house arrest or on the run. John wrote us extremely beautiful letters in transition or in exile -- didn't matter.
So I don't really need a house. The housing market sucks, but it is only temporary. This world is not our home and ministry never required a zip code.
Wonderful - Jesus Is
Jesus is called, Wonderful. I used to always think of this as an adjective (and don't get me wrong, I know my English parts of speech). Like..."That was a wonderful meal", or "I had a wonderful time at the play tonight.
Before the birth of Samson, we have an appearance of the Angel of the Lord in Judges 13 says to Manoah, Samson's father, "Why do you ask my name, seeing it is Wonderful?" Manoah should have been able to see his Name is Wonderful. That IS His name. Or again, the often quoted scripture of the promised Messiah in Isaiah 9:6, "...and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." The name of this blessed savior would be Wonderful.
One of the names of the Son of God is Wonderful. He is truly, full of Wonder. To look at Him is to be in awe. Anyone who saw Him in His glory, was immediately awestruck. Even when he did works as a man, men looked at Him and wondered, "What manner of man is this?" He is a wonder evoking being, a beautiful and mighty God. He is without comparison and beyond measure.
He is indeed Wonderful.
Feb 12, 2008
Christ is our Righteousness
Do we really consider Jesus to BE our Righteousness, or He merely a entity who has the ability to enable us to be righteous?
I am learning that Christ IS my righteousness. In other words, the only shot I have at being practically righteous is by learning and relying on His life. The only reason God would even consider hearing my prayer, interacting with me, or showing me concern is because of HIS righteousness.
This is humbling, because I am very prideful, but Glory be to the God who looks beyond my shortcomings and still gives me Grace in His beautiful Son the Lord Jesus - my righteousness.
There is utterly nothing about me that can be called Good, but in His most blessed Son, I can interact, worship, love, and live for God. Lord make me into the image of your Son for He is my only way to Righteousness.
My Lord and Politics...
So how do yo
u think Jesus would respond to the moder day political environment.
Would He vote? Would he run for office? Would Jesus seek to ascertain the felt needs of the voting public and develop a social service program? Would Jesus be for a national health care initiative? What would be His position on Iraqi troop withdrawal. We know Jesus would be pro-life, but what about His position on immigration? Would Jesus even be an American if He had the choice? Well of course, there is no doubt He would vote for Huckabee, but that is a different blog...
I don't even know if these questions are valid to ask of our Lord (The idiom, "there are no stupid questions" does not seem to be true with our Lord).
But for discussion sake, do these texts give us insight as to the mind of Christ on such matters?
Matthew 22:21
Then saith he unto them, Render therefore the things that are Caesar to Caesar's and to God the things that are God. or....
1 Peter 2:17
Honor all people. Love the Brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable live in all godliness and reverence.
He is beyond political ideology. He is the one and only true potentate(1 Timothy 6:15). He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The commander of the Army of the Lord (Joshua 5:14-15). His Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36) and we His servants need not wrestle against flesh and blood (Eph 6:12).
Christ is all.
Feb 11, 2008
Gospel at the Grammys & The PoP Music Template
There is something about Gospel music on the Grammys that I always rubs me the wrong way Perhaps it is that the entire Grammy evening is designed to honor worldy, anti-Christ thinkers and artists; then at some point in the evening, a few Gospel artists are dropped into the made for TV performance template. The formula goes something like this: 1) Get me a popular Gospel artist that can sing and has commercial success; 2) let me pair them with an R&B singer who is familiar with the church and is "gospel friendly" church (Witney Houston, Beyonce, Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Fantasia would all be likely candidates - Does anyone have Patti Labelle's number?) 3) Give me some music that won't really offend anyone. The formula was in effect at last night's Grammy award ceremony in Los Angeles. While the music was excellently performed, I wish we would have heard more songs actually related to The Gospel. I must say, however, The Clark Sisters attempted to crash the template with their rendition of "You Brought the Sunshine" (If the thing wasn't scripted, Twinkie was well on her way to a shout).
I am reminded of an unbeliever I met one evening on a flight from San Francisco. I was talking to him about music and God. At some some point in the conversation He said, "I Love Gospel Music, I just hate that you have to always spend so much time talking to me about Jesus". In other words, "Give the music, but you can keep your message"
Christ lovers, let us take every opportunity, to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus as God, Christ, Died for our Sins, Risen from the dead. We do not want to be as those "who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen (Romans 1:25). As Gospel artists, musicians and believers, strive to ensure the message of Christ crucified is inextricably linked to the worship music we call "Gospel".
And Twinkie...Thank you!
Feb 9, 2008
Jesus -The Word of God
Jesus is the Word of God. The next time you pick up the bible, consider that you are reading Jesus. You are reading the mind of God. The scriptures display the personality of a person. The bible is more than a collection of books, but it is also a biography written to explain a person - Jesus Christ the Son of God. Whether directly or indirectly, the volume of the book speaks of Christ (Hebrews 10:7).
In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth (John 1:1, 14).
Jesus is the Word of God. He is everything God has to say to us (Hebrews 1:1-3). He is the fullness of God in Bodily Form (Colossians 2:8-9). There is nothing God needs to say to us other than Jesus for Jesus has showed us the Father; He has declared HIM (John 1:18). Jesus is the Word of God. To Know Jesus is to Know God. If we do not Know Jesus we do not Know God.
Oprah Winfrey Loves Barack Obama
Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.
Oprah goes on the road to tell people how great he is. Oprah has him on her show and at her crib for dinner. Oprah tells others to believe in Barack. Oprah believes he is the only one who can truly spark a change in our country. Oprah gives Barak money. Oprah tells you to follow Barack because Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.
Oprah will talk about Barack with her friends. Oprah will defend Barack when he is attacked. Oprah called Barack "the ONE". She is unashamed of Barack. She loves to talk about Barack no matter where she is. She shares her Barack love with her friends, with colleagues, on the job and in the home. She tells people about Barack while on the phone, in her magazine or on her website. At a campaign event, she can even be found clapping and singing a song about him...and Why? Because, Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.
Oprah is fascinated with Barack. Sometimes she just enjoys being in his presence. It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, Oprah is willing to spend time talking about and socializing with Barack Obama - no boundaries here. If Barack writes an article, Oprah will read it. If Barack has an opinion, Oprah understands it and supports it with little disagreement. Oprah loves Barack with all her heart, all her mind and all her strength. If Barack asks Oprah to come to a campaign event -- she's there. If Barack asks Oprah for money, she says "how much"- she trusts that Barack doesn't just want her for her money. Barack's praises are continually in Oprah's mouth because Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama.
Do you love Jesus - at least as much as Oprah Winfrey loves Barack Obama?
PoP Jesus
Our Lord has been contemporized. We have taken Him out of His true position as Ancient of Days and hooked him with an ipod, a t-shirt and a mac. What do I mean? Simply that it is not enough for us to love Him as the true and only God of the universe. It is not enough nowadays to tell others about how he loved us while we were His enemies. It is not enough to discuss the fact that He shed His blood that we might have life in HIM. Our contemporary churches have tried the gospel of the true Christ, deity, become man, shedding blood and risen from the dead, for a TV-ready PoP Jesus.
I was watching a 60 minutes episode that included Joel Osteen. He was question as to why He didn't really talk to people about God and Jesus Christ to which he replied, "That's just my message...there's a lot of people better qualified to say, here's a book to explain the scriptures to you...that's just not my gifting."
I would agree with Osteen on that count. Unfortunately, that is the purpose of the role of Pastor, to explain the Lord Jesus Christ as found in the scriptures. Joel Osteen may be saved, but his false teachings are misleading many. Many will go to Hell and far more will miss reward because of Osteen's teachings. Let us hope Joel Osteen repents of this false gospel